Chapter 46: Bad Blood

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   The next day, Dagur didn't show up for his morning training.

   "Hey, uh, anyone seen Dagur?"  Hiccup asked, glancing around.

   Everyone shook their heads.  Astrid narrowed her eyes suspiciously.  

   "Ugh...hey, where are the twins and Snotlout?"  Hiccup said.  "Maybe they got a hold of him.  Oh, no..."

   Alaya mounted Moon and they set off after Hiccup, looking this way and that for smoke rising in the distance, or the light of flames brightening a shadowy corner.  But, as they flew around the island, no chaos.  They spotted Snotlout napping on Hookfang just outside of his house, and soon after, the twins playing some weird game with Barf and Belch.

   "Hiccup..."  Astrid said.

   "I know, Astrid, I know.  But he wouldn't do that, would he?  He's Dagur!  He'd at least wait a day!"  Hiccup said.

   "It's been a day, Hiccup,"  Astrid replied.  "And he's Dagur.  He would do that."

   Hiccup groaned.

   "Hiccup, what if he just went back to the clubhouse?"  Fishlegs asked.

   "Yeah, yeah good idea, Fishlegs.  He could've just been late."  Hiccup said, starting to slow in preparation for a turn.

   "Or," Astrid said, swooping to his side to prevent his turn.  "He could be preparing to bring hundreds of Dragon Hunters to the Edge right under our noses!"

   Hiccup sighed.  "Fine, fine, alright, Fishlegs, Alaya, you guys go back to the clubhouse.  Wait for Dagur there.  We'll be back soon.  Signal us if he comes back."

   "You got it!"  Fishlegs said, turning.

   "Alright."  Alaya nodded, worry shooting through her veins.  Yes, he's crazy, but he's at least smart and clever.  He's not going to take the first day of trust and go.  Is he?

--Hiccup POV--

   Hiccup and Astrid zoomed through the sky, the wind tearing at their faces as Toothless and Stormfly carried them around the island, letting them skim the trees for any sign of Dagur or his dragon, Shattermaster.

   Astrid groaned.  "Ugh!  We should've never given him that dragon!"

   "He would've gotten away just as easily!  Besides, he's probably just caught up in some trouble with some wild Nadders."  Hiccup said.

   "Look,"  Astrid said, flying closer.  "I know that you want to trust Dagur, and trust that he's changed, but...we can't trust Dagur of all people!"

   "Would you rather trust Johann?"  Hiccup said dryly.  "Besides, he might have information on the Dragon Hunters that we need before trying to get the Dragon Eye."

   Suddenly, Toothless stopped with a surprised roar.  "Woah, what is it, bud?"  Hiccup asked, leaning over his side to see trees torn down through the forest.  And not in a sliced way, either - the trees were leaning toward other trees, with a lot of pieces of wood still attaching it to its stump.  

   "Those trees look like something happened there!"  Astrid called.

   "Yeah,"  Hiccup agreed.  "Look at the way they're knocked over, though.  It looks like something shoved them over."

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