Chapter 13: Dragon Riders

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   "We're gonna get ourselves killed,"  Moon muttered.

   "Oh, hush you,"  Alaya muttered back, lifting her head to scan the seas around the island.  No boats, no matter where Moon flew.  She circled back to the two riders, who were hovering and speaking to one another.

    "Fishlegs,"  Hiccup started, holding something that resembled a small telescope up to his eyes.  "I...don't see anything."

   "Oh, did I forget to mention that was a ways back?"  Fishlegs squeaked nervously.

   "Ugh!"  Alaya groaned.  "Alright, you two have had your fun here, now please for the love of the moons get out."

   "But you're another Dragon Rider!"  Fishlegs said.  "We never meet other Dragon Riders!"

   "Aha, I'm sorry, but we're really just friends, it's not a relationship with a horse."  Alaya quickly corrected.

   Hiccup and Fishlegs exchanged glances.  "We should bring the others down to meet her!"  Fishlegs said.

   "What others?  Other dragons?  Other people?  Woah, woah, woah, did Alaya agree to this, I think not."  Alaya said.

   "Yeah, slow down Fishlegs."  Hiccup said.  He leaned over, lowering his voice, but Alaya still caught the words.  "We don't know if she can be trusted or not."

   "Understandable, you didn't have to whisper that part."  Alaya said.

   "But it'll be much safer if we have all the other riders, right?"  Fishlegs said.  "Besides, we should know if there's another Dragon Rider around, right?"

   Hiccup sighed.  "You do have a point..."

   "Uh-uh.  Nope.  You two can leave, go back to you came from, for the fifteenth time."  Alaya said.  She didn't know why, but she was getting a weird vibe from them, a vibe she...couldn't quite shake.

   "Come on, it'll be fun!  Let's go, Meatlug!"  Before Alaya could even open her mouth to respond, Fishlegs and his rock-bee dragon were flying away, giggling excitedly.  A moment later, Hiccup and his flying shadow zoomed off after him, calling his name.  Alaya sighed.

   "So, what's the plan, now?"  She muttered.

   "Flee to another island?"  Moon suggested.

   "Melt them all with acid as soon as they come?"  Amber chimed in.

   "Maybe stop talking?"  Alaya snapped.  The two winced.

   Alaya sighed.  "I guess we have to meet them.  Did either of you two get an odd...feeling, perhaps, from them?"

   Moon and Amber glanced at each other, then shook their heads.  "Nope."  

   "Well, hurray.  Moon?"  Alaya prompted.

   "It seemed like Fishlegs was thinking about four other people:  a skinny, fair-colored blond with her hair in a braid named Astrid, they were thinking about how similar you two were in the suspicious blend, then there's a mean, loud-mouthed male with muscle-fat arms and short black hair named Snotlout, and two 'twins', Ruffnut and Tuffnut.  They...basically look the same.  Tuffnut, the male twin, has two long strands of blond hair that're really dirty coming from the front, and Ruffnut, the female twin, has two blond dreadlocks in the same place Tuffnut has his hair."  Moon said.

   "Okay, those must be the other riders.  Anything about their dragons?"  Alaya asked.

   "There was a sky-blue-and-yellow dragon that stands on two legs and has a frill of spines on her head, big nostrils, hot fire, and excellent tracking, along with a long tail that can shoot spines out named Stormfly - Fishlegs is definitely a dragon geek - an orange-red dragon that stands on two legs as well as on the claws of its wings, can light itself on fire, and has black markings named Hookfang.  Then there's two-headed dragon.  Four legs, one head breathes this green, flammable gas, and the other head ignites it to create an explosion.  Two tails as well, named Barf and Belch."  Moon said.

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