Chapter 3

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Yeah, sorry about the top video. I basically cry every time I watch it. :(


I scratch into the wood of the bunk. It's been a pretty uneventful afternoon so far, besides from the twins' groans of pain, and Ghost's constant shuffling around. That's why I've resorted to carving on the bunk. I hate carving my street rat name into it, but I gotta keep up with the charade.

That's when I hear commotion outside. I look up from my carving, and Tenpin and Ghost look at each other, then me. The three of us stop what we're doing and go to the window.

Snyder's carriage is parked out front, and the bulls are dragging a boy out of it. And I'm not exaggerating when I say dragging. His legs literally aren't doing anything to support him. I almost feel bad for the kid. Almost. Then I remind myself that he's a street rat, and any feelings of compassion are gone.

"Wouldja lookit that, a new kid," Ghost says.

"A new kid?" Pockets asks, walking up behind us.

"Yeah, that's what he said, dummy," Tenpin says.

Pockets' face lights up. "Maybe I's can make me escape while they's all focused on 'im!"

"Whateva ya say, Pockets," I say dismissively. That plan would never work, and I've got too much attention on the new kid to tell him that. Looks like he took me too literal though, and starts preparing to slip out if the new kid's put in here.

A few minutes later, the cell door opens, and Pockets slips out, surprisingly unnoticed. Coleman and a few other bulls appear with the new boy, toss him in, and close the door.

After the door is closed and locked, Ghost approaches the boy who is curled up on the floor.

"Hey kid, you's okay?" he asks.

New Kid doesn't answer. Instead, he starts shaking, Pathetic little thing.

"Kid," Ghost tries again, "can ya sit up? We's not gonna hurt ya."

The kid nods, and struggles to get up. No one helps him. After about a minute, he finally gets into a sitting position, one leg bent awkwardly.

Now I can see his face. It's tear-stained, and scrunched up into a look of pain and sadness. Again, I almost feel sorry for him, but catch myself just in time. Whatever he did, he deserves to be in here, because this is where street rats belong.

"Whaddya in 'ere for?" Tenpin asks him.

New Kid still doesn't speak. He just starts crying again. Weak.

"Well, if you'll stand up, I'll help ya to a bunk," Ghost says.

The kid looks up at Ghost with glossy eyes, and finally speaks. "I can't stand or walk without my crutch, and Snyder took it," he whispers.

Oh boy. A cripple.

"Well in that case, Owl and I 'll carry ya to a bunk. Owl!" Ghost shouts.

"Nggghh," Owl groans from his bunk. "Wha' dis it? I's sleepin'."

"We's got a new kid an' 'e can't walk," Tenpin tells him. "We need ya ta help Ghost carry 'im."

"Can't Letters 'elp 'im?" he grumbles, but gets out of bed. He and Ghost pick up the crippled kid.

"Put 'im in Letters' bunk," Tenpin directs them.

Oh great. Lucky me, I get to share a bunk with a crip. And I have a top bunk, too. How the heck is that gonna work?

Once the crip is in bed, Tenpin whispers to me, "Talk ta him, and see if e'll speak ta ya."

"The usual questions?" I ask.

He nods.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath to prepare myself, then I climb onto my bunk-our bunk now, I guess-and sit at the opposite end of where he's laying. Time to see if I can get any information.

"What's yer name, kid?" I ask him.

He looks up at me and sniffs. "Crutchie," he says softly.

"That 'cause ya usually got a crutch?"

He nods.

"How'd ya manage ta get in here?"

He squeezes his eyes shut, and shudders. "I's a newsie," he starts.

Oh great. A newsie.

"We's on strike right now, and we was stoppin' the wagons when Snyder and the bulls came. The rest a my brothers got away, but as ya can see, I wasn't so lucky," he says, slowly trailing off into a whisper.

Well at least one newsie got caught.

"I tried callin' fer Jack," he says, "but I guess 'e didn't hear me."

Wait... Jack? As in Jack Kelly? As in Sullivan? If the crip knows Sullivan, then I could gain his trust and get so much information out of him, and Snyder would be happy with me and not beat me as much!

"Jack?" I ask. "As in Jack Kelly?" I ask louder.

He nods.

"Wait, you know Jack Kelly?" asks Ghost, overhearing us.

The crip nods again.

"Hey, everyone!" Ghost shouts, but not loud enough to get caught. "New Kid knows Jack Kelly!"

Everyone murmurs excitedly.

"You's know Jack Kelly?" Tenpin asks.

"Yup," the crip says, gaining enough confidence to speak to everyone.

Everyone starts crowding around the bunk, asking him all sorts of questions. As they're doing this, he starts curling up into a ball and shaking again, all confidence lost.

As I look over him, I start to feel sorry for him for a third time. What is it with this kid and putting emotions I don't want in me?

Suddenly, I get a swell of an emotion I've never felt before, and decide to do something I might regret.

"Guys!" I yell as loud as I can. Everyone shuts up immediately. They're not used to me yelling, or even sticking up for anybody. They trust me with their secrets and letters (which by the way was a bad idea on their part), and not to stick up for anyone, so it surprised everyone when I did just that.

"Guys," I yell a little quieter. "Look at him."

Their attention turns to him, and their eyes widen when they see him all curled up in a ball.

"Jeez," Owl says.

"Give 'im a break, why dontcha?" I say. "Now everyone, shoo," I tell them, waving them off. "There'll be time for questions later. Let the kid sleep."

Everyone listens to me, still in shock. Boy oh boy am I gonna regret standing up for the crip.

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