Gen: {Pride} Non-Binary Bones

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Fandom: Star Trek Original Series
Gen: Spock and Bones feels
Warning: Internalized transphobia
Summary: Spock should learn how to knock. Bit oh well Bones gets to come out and doesn't know why they never did.

One-Shot, 1016 words.

Blue Dress and Nonbinary Repress

Bones was surprised to have a day off. He had spent the time messing around and relaxing in his room. At night he walked to his closet. All the way at the end was the section he kept hidden from everyone else. 

When he first came onto the enterprise he brought a number of these items with him. It was a total of 8 dresses. Three where Starfleet informs dresses. He had got them in case one day he grew brave enough to wear them around the crew. But he never did and left it at that. 

The others consisted of 4 casual dresses and one fancy one. Smiling, he grabbed his favorite. It was the blue one. He stripped out of his pajamas and shuffled into it. Before he struggled to get the zipper up by himself. He got it as high as he could get it by himself. He looked into the full-body mirror and smiled. Before he spun around and watched as the dress flowed. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't hear his door open and close. 

"Doctor the Captain wants to know if you want to join us for din-" Spock looked at McCoy. His eyebrow rose up. He watched as the doctor flushed red and chuckled nervously. 

"Did I interrupt something?"

"You goddamn hobgoblin!" McCoy screamed out. 

"What does it look like!"

"It would appear so."

"Get out! Tell anyone about this and I will snap your neck! 50 different ways and make it look like an accident!"

"Doctor McCoy, I don't understand. Why are you angry?"

"Because I'm in a dress, Spock. I'm a guy and I'm wearing a dress. I don't want anyone making fun of me!"

"I do not understand. It is a piece of fabric. Which no gender is confined to. So why are you worried about someone seeing you in it? You are doing your job as a doctor. As long as you do that. Who can have an opinion on it in a negative manner? If you enjoy it then wear it. No one can stop you. Besides you are the same person as before." Spock turned slightly green and turned away. 

"You are still our friend."

McCoy sniffed and lifted his hand up to his eye. Wiping away the wetness he was trying to stop from falling. "Thank you, Mr. Spock. That was the nicest thing you and your green ears have said."

Spock nodded. "Do you need help zipping your dress?" McCoy nodded and turned around. Spock reached forward and zipped the dress up. 

"Thank you."

"Of course."

"So what did you come in to tell me?"

"I and the Captain wanted to know if you would accompany us for dinner."

McCoy frowned before he looked in the mirror once more. He gave the Vulcan a sad nod. "Could you undo the zipper?"


"Because I'm not going to walk to the kitchen in this!"

"Leonard," Spock said sternly. "Do you enjoy it?"


"Then wear it. No one will say anything negative. If they do, they will have a talk with me and the Captain."

Bones flushed a light red. "You would both do that for me?" Spock nodded. 

"Dinner Doctor?"


As they were about to walk out the door. Spock came to a brief pause. As he began to piece things together and find the right words. 

"Do you have a set of preferred pronouns?"

McCoy froze and stood like that for a few moments. Before his gaze traveled up and met Spocks. Before he nodded. "It may be grammatically incorrect but I have always like they/them/theirs/"

Spock nodded. "I shall call you by them now. At dinner, we shall notify the Captain."

Bones nodded before he followed Spock to the kitchen. The halls weren't that crowded at this time of day. But they still felt subconscious as they walked. But it wasn't that bad. A couple of people didn't even bat an eye. Some shrugged. While some looked for a moment and gave a reassuring nod. 

As they walked into the kitchen. They accompanied Spock to the food machine before they punched in their card and received their food. Then they went and sat by Kirk. 

"Captain, after some difficulty I got Doctor McCoy to join us."

Kirk nodded and finished his bite before he looked up. He choked on his food for a moment before he washed it down with some water. "Bones! You look fine this evening."

"Shut it, Jim."

"I was being serious, Bones."

Bones rolled his eyes and took a bite of his food. Giving Jim the stink eye the whole time. Kirk put his hands up and turned to Spock for some sort of answer. 

"They do not want anyone to make a big deal out of it. Doctor McCoy would also like to be referred to with they/them/their pronouns."

Kirk nodded and smiled wide. "That's great Bones. You should have said something earlier. We are your friends. We don't mind and would have called you what makes you happy!"

Bones looked away. As they flushed a light red.

"Besides, the dress really does suit you. It matches your eyes. Would you agree Mr.Spock?"

Spock raised his eyebrow. Kirk tilted his head and looked at Bones. Spock got the hint. "It certainly does Jim."

"Shut up!" When Bones turned back around their cheeks were flushed beet red. Kirk chuckled. 

"It's silly you didn't say something earlier. But if anyone makes a comment about you dressing wonderfully. You let me or Mr. Spock know. We will have a long talk with them."

McCoy sighed and ran their hands through their hair. Before they looked up and smiled at the other two. "Thank you."

"Course Bones. Now let's eat our food. It's getting cold."

Bones rolled his eyes. "You had to ruin the moment." Kirk took a bite of food and nodded. 

Bones took a bite of their food. That was a lot easier than they expected. As well a huge weight lifted off their shoulders. Bone was glad the others were so accepting of it. 

Tell me not. Bones can sport this shit!

 Bones can sport this shit!

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