Ship: Murder Husbands (Crack)

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Fandom: Hannibal
Ship: Murder Husbands
Warning: None
Summary: At this moment in time Hannibal knew he fucked up.

Short, 805 words.

Oh fuck

Hannibal didn't realize he fucked up majorly until it was too late. He woke up and went shopping for a while. Searching for the ingredients for this week's meals. It was two in the afternoon when he looked at his phone. His smile dropped and was replaced with horror. It was his and Will's 5th anniversary. Swallowing, he dropped the groceries and went running.

Scared of the horror Will would put him through. The last time he missed date night. Will kicked him out of their bed and he was stuck outside. When he was able to get the door open. He slept on the couch. He had to sneak outside every morning for a week.

He missed Will pressed against his back. But what was worst of it all is that Will had his 4 dogs sleep on Hannibal's side. Since he was gone. So his side smelt like a dog for months. During the day he got the cold shoulder.

A week later Will wrapped his arms around Hannibal's waist and kissed the back of his neck. As he was cooking breakfast. He was finally able to be inside again.

But this was their 5th anniversary. He had to make it look like he remembered. But he knew Will would read right through the act. So he had to make it worth it. For Will to break and give in. He ran down the street getting weird looks from strangers as his head whipped around as he tried to think of an idea of what he could do.

All of a sudden a large flower shop came into view. Hannibal burst through the doors. Startling everyone in the shop. He has been here before and he knew on the wall was the sign 'How mad is she?'. He didn't remember how the scale worked. He thought it was numbers. But in actuality, it was the letters A, B, and C. With C being the largest.

"I need your help! It's ten!" Hannibal screamed out. Everyone in the shop froze. There was a loud "Oh shit" from someone. Followed by a number of gasps. One lady almost fainted. She stayed to the side but her friend caught her.

The florist stopped the bouquet they were making and began grabbing stuff from all around. Hannibal sat on the ground and rocked back and forth. He was sweating and his eyes were wide. The customers in the shop feared for him. Scared to know what he had done for it to be a 10. When it was done by the alphabet. But they were sure he was too scared to look up and see it was.

The man working on the flowers was sweating and frantic. There were so many flowers. It took up the entire counter. With a mix of white, pink, and mostly red roses. With small white flowers in the mix. It was so big it would take up the entire back seat of the car and two people to carry it. He tied a red rope to hold them all together.

"Sir it's done!" Hannibal bolted up and the man behind the counter helped Hannibal stuff it in his car. They walked back into the shop. The worker walked back behind the counter and started to pile more things. A bottle of wine, a stuffed bear, chocolate-covered strawberries, and a stack of cards to various places for more gift ideas.

"How much?"

"Come back another time to pay. Go."

Hannibal nodded. "Thank you." Then he ran out and sat in the car.

"Everyone take a knee for respect. Pray that this man makes it through the night." The florist said with a sad tone. The customers took a knee and a 30 second moment of silence for Hannibal.

Hannibal went through the card and found the local animal shelter. Sighing he knew Will loved dogs. They may have had too many for his liking. But it is better than him being in the dog house. Speeding over he pulled up to the shelter and walked in. He rushed to the dogs and skimmed them over. At the end was a small white and black dog curled in the corner. Hannibal frowned as the dog had one more day to live. The woman that worked there woke up.

"That one is scared of everyone. No one wants her."

"I do."

"Well, we need to do a background check and make sure you are a suitable match." Hannibal scoffed and walked out. He waited a few minutes before he broke through the back door. He managed to grab her. He sat her in the passenger seat. Hoping this was enough to make Will convinced he knew it was their anniversary. He may not have believed God exists but this was the expectation to pray.

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