Pt. 6 - Confessions

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Hunter's POV

I saw how Regina zoned out for a moment, again. I decided to call her attention

H: Regina?
H: Earth calling Regina Krol??

I saw how she jumped thanks to my beautiful loud voice😎😎

R: WHAT I'm here what's wrong, what?
H: Sit down c'mon
R: Oh yea true lol

She sat down and we ate our food. The bell was about to ring and the girls went to the bathroom

End of Hunter's POV

Regina's POV
We were going to the bathroom when I decided to tell the girls about my feelings for Hunter. IDKKK I THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA!

R: Hey girls
B: Supp
S: Whats wrong?
K: Yea??
R: I need to tell you guys something
B: Spill it Regi c'mon!!
R: I think i like Hunter
S: Yea we all do, he's nice
R: NOOO not in that way. I have a crush on him😭
K: NO WAY?!!
R: Omg😩😩 do you guys think he likes me back???
K: Well idk but I don't doubt it😘 Gavin told me like 2 years ago that Hunter confessed them that he has liked you his whole entire life
R: Really?!
K: mhmmmm
R: Omggg should I tell him tomorrow my feelings for him?
B: YESS GO FOR IT. I mean you have nothing to lose😏
S: Yea it would be a great idea to tell him tomorrow at the party
K: Yeaaa go for it queen!!

(skip day to next day ITS SATURDAY BUSHES THE DAY OF THE PARTY😏😏😏)

Regina's POV

I've been trying to decide what to wear for the party for a long time now but i went with this outfit:

I've been trying to decide what to wear for the party for a long time now but i went with this outfit:

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(skip the bag i don't really like it🙄🙄, or you can change the outfit for sum else yk😘)

A/n: I JUST USED THAT OUTFIT CAUSE I HAD NO WIFI TO SEARCH FOR ONE LMAOO and I had this one from my previous story 😎😎😎

I was way to lazy to style my hair so i just brushed it. AND since I never wear makeup i don't t find it necessary so I just left my house😀

My mom took me to the party but before she picked the girls up so we would go all to the party together.

(skip time to the girl's house😀)

We were there having fun and doing nothing the. the boys arrived. I thought it was the perfect moment to tell Hunter about my feelings for him sooo I greeted him in the door and took him with me upstairs.

Hunter's POV

Regina looked stunning. The fact that she wasn't wearing makeup made her look way prettier that other days. She is beautiful 😩😩 I went upstairs with her meanwhile the other people entered to the house. including emily🙄🙄 I didn't pay attention to her but to my beautiful Gigi. We got to one of the rooms.

Back to Regina's POV

I heard Hunter telling me hi, with his beautiful smile. I smiled back and decided to talk.

R: Hunter I brought you here because I need to tell you something really important.
H: Oh yeah! Tell me what is it?
R: I-

in that moment somebody opened the door



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