Pt. 17 - Amazing Day

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Hey y'all I'm so lazy and I didn't have inspiration BHAHAHAH that's why I updated this late, but anyways enjoy🙄🙄


Regina's POV

It was pops?

A/n: All of you bitches thought it would be emily 🥵🥵🥵 you bitches were wrong af😍😍😍 LMAOOOOO

I mean that's okay, I love pops! But what is he doing here at school? Hmmm, weird? Okay anyways...

Mr. Burns (Principal) = P
Joe Biden= J

P: Mr. Biden, Ms. Krol.
R: Good morning Mr. Burns, wow this is such an early visit. Oh, and hi Pops!!!
H: Good morning Mr. Burns, and yeah, it's so early, are we like in trouble or something??? Btw Hi Pops!
J: Hello there!
P: Don't worry kids, you're not in trouble. You are just leaving
H: Oh
R: ok cool
P: Yes go grab your stuff, have a nice day. And thank you for the visit Mr. President
J: No Problem Mr. Burns, see you. Okay loves, let's go

We went to grab our things to our lockers and secret service drove us to an airport, okay, I think we're going to the white house hehehe we got on the private plane and we started talking with pops.

R: Okay pops, where are we going😩😩 and if we're going to the white house, we didn't even pack clothes😔😔😔
J: Thats okay sweetheart, and yes we are going to the white house but first, we are going to another place and if you're asking yourselves, no, it's not in Washington, we are going to Colorado
J: You'll see
R: Okay😔😔😔
H: Okay😔😔😔

We got to colorado and they drove us to a hospital? Okay weird we got inside and got greeted by what looked like a Doctor 😩

Doctor: D

J: Okay guys, meet Dr. William he works in here as a psychiatrist helping people with mental health problems

Holly shit, don't tell me this motherfucker Emily is in here, UGHHHH

Hunter's POV

H: Ummm nice to meet you?
R: Yeah nice to meet you

J: He has been helping someone you guys know so go with him
D: Yes kids, come and see your friend!

I'm fucking scared of this please don't tell me that the person inside there is that bitch Emily.

D: Okay we're here! Open the door, your friends inside!

I tried to open the door but couldn't I knew Emily was going to be there I told Regina to open it but she couldn't either so I opened it, i saw a blonde girl with a ponytail sitting in a chair facing a window, it felt so weird I stayed there until she turned around



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