Pt. 10 - Love Sucks

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Hunter's POV

"Like what?!"

R: Like it is. Sometimes love is bad you know?! It's horrible when you love someone a lot but that person doesn't even care or listen to your feelings. It's heartbreaking.

H: Regina, are you in love?!
R: Yes Hunter I am, and I don't think that boy even likes me back
H: What boy?!
R: I can't tell you, you'll laugh
H: No I won't
R: No but I don't want to tell you. At least not right now
H: Omg, Regina please don't tell me you like Archie

(Archie is just the school's fuck boy😭😭😭)

R: No I don't like Archie, I like someone I've known my whole entire life but I don't think he likes me back
H: But why would you think that, Gigi?! Everybody likes you c'mon, you're like the prettiest girl in all school, and you're incredible. Whoever that boy is, let me tell you he's blind af

Regina's POV

"yeah so you're blind af then" i murmured

Back to Hunter's POV

Regina murmured something, what was it?

H: What?!
R: No, nothing. I just want him to love me. I just want him to kiss me. I just want to look at his blue eyes all the time, and touch his brunette and fluffy hair for hours and hours. I want to hug him forever. I want to be with him

WAS SHE DESCRIBING ME?! No, there are a bunch of boys with brunette fluffy hair and blue eyes, not just me ig.

H: Come here, let me give you a hug

I pushed her closer to me and hugged her tight. I felt jealous and angry for the fact that she liked someone. I've liked her my whole entire life and I still can't tell her how I feel?! I'm a chicken. But I don't feel it's the right time to tell her rn, even tho I want to but I can't, and the thing that's happening with Emily, I don't want her to hurt Gigi, so I'll need to wait for the perfect moment. Let's just hope it's soon.

Skip time to next day (Monday)

Regina's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I found out that I fell asleep in Hunter's arms. I was so confortable and he felt warm. He looked like an angel while he was asleep, I decided to stay in his arms some more time. He is perfect.

Hunter's POV

I woke up and saw Regina in my arms, she looked beautiful while she was asleep. She is perfect and so warm and comfy and wow I love her. I decided to stay there in the same position, I didn't want her to wake up, the bad thing is that it didn't last for long. Her alarm sounded, it was time to go to school. UGHHHH

Regi woke up and so did I, I went back to my house to get ready for school and let Regina do the same.

after we met outside her house and secret service drove us safe to school. Regina needed to go to the bathroom and afterwards meet with the girls so we went out different sides and looked for the boyzzzzzz

Regina's POV

I went and met w/ the girls in the bathroom, we started talking about the party...

R: Everything was going fine until she came in. I hate her
B: We all do
K: Yes she is a bitch ughhh
S: si a todo
R: You know what?! I'm not letting that brat take my man away, never, i'm going to talk to him after school and tell him how I actually feel, like for real, I won't hide my love from Hunter anymore
B: Let's just hope everything turns out good this time, and we have no interruptions
S: Yea fr
K: Yes girl, we just wish you the best
All of them: We love you!!

Back to Hunter's POV

I was talking with luke, gavin, and preston when I say Emily coming C'MON ITS NOT EVEN 8😠😠

E: Hunter Bear
H: What
E: We need to talk, come with me

"Hope she's not pregnant" Preston whispered

"suck my dick bitch" i responded

I went to the back of the school with Emily

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