Pt. 13 - Break up?!

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This chapter is dedicated to my bestie Gaby😏 cause she is the best and my best friend forever and i love her with all my heart and she makes me happy LMAOOOOO happy best friends day😔😔😔😔

Regina's POV

This month that happened felt so different. Not being able to talk to Hunter, not being able to tell him about my life and my problems, our movie nights, our laughs, our jokes, it's weird, I miss him, I know I shouldn't but I do. It's weird going to school alone and being without him in lunch but he preferred Emily, even social media knows about her, the good thing is that everyone hates her lmaooo and there are a lot of people that shipped me and hunter so they're mad af but well, I can do nothing🤗🤗🤗 Next week I'm hanging out with my group, Hunter's also going to be there cause he is still friends with Preston Luke and Gavin so it kinda makes sense, I just told Gavin not to invite Emily, I don't tolerate her, UGHHHHH. I can live with Hunter but not with her.

It was a normal day in school, Gavin told me Hunter said he never liked me and that he was happy with Emily. I just don't get it, how did he move on so, fast?! Did he forget about me? I just hope he is happy. In the other side I'm not, I try to move on and stop thinking about him but i just cant, ITS IMPOSSIBLE. He was my first kiss and my first love, I just can't get over that. Nothing interesting happened after, the only thing that has changed in my friends group is that Hunter sits with Emily's friends now, he doesn't even talk. UGHHH I SHOULD STOP WATCHING EVERY MOVE HE DOES.

Time skip to after school

Hunter's POV

This has been the worst month of my life, I cry every night and try to sleep but I can't stop thinking about Regina, she looks happier and i'm just a piece of shit, I need to take this mask off, I was in the car, with Natalie, we were going back home from school she she started a conversation

Natalie: N

N: Hunter you're a rat
H: What?
N: You were so fucking mean to Regina, didn't you like her?!
H: Ummm yes
N: And don't act stupid, Hunter, don't act like if you don't cry every night, idk abt why but you do, your sobs never let me take my beauty sleep, now you tell me what's wrong and why you always look like you're on drugs
H: Natalie, there's something that nobody know but I'll tell you

I told Nat about everything my last phrase was "don't tell anyone, not even mom"

N: I won't but dump her ass, I have a plan, I think I know how to make everything go back to normal.

she told me about it, HOW DIDNT I THINK ABOUT THAT EARLIER?!

N: We'll just tell pops after everything, let's just hope she goes to a mental health hospital 😈😈


I think today is the day I'll dump Emily's ass, I can't handle this anymore. I have everything ready for the plan, I need to do this and own Regina's heart again. I NEED TO DO THIS...

I got my backpack and got out of my house, I was going out at the same time as Regina, we made eye contact, I smiled, she gave me a concerned look and got inside her tesla
(LMAOOO girl you're rich yk😩😩 your dad's a real deal lawyer😏😏 he could even run for president but let's just leave that spot to Biden😏😏 i love Biden😩😩) I got inside the car and they drove me to school, when I got there I went directly and talked to Emily this is the time, i think. NO ITS BETTER IF I DO IT AFTER SCHOOL. I went to Emily

E: Hey luv😩
H: Um, I need to talk to you after school, in the back yk, the usual spot, can you?
E: Sure baby
H: k bye


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