Pt. 11 - The Plan

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(⚠️TW: This chapter includes suicidal thoughts. Read at your own risk ⚠️)


Hunter's POV

H: What?
E: First things first, good morning, and second of all

a kiss, ugh c'mon if you're not Regi, don't kiss me😠

H: Okay now what?!
E: Here's the plan, Regina if confessing her "love" to you today, after school ends

WTF IM THE GUY REGINA LIKES?! How could I be so blind this time?! That's why she looked sad when I came outside of the closet with this bitch, FUCKKKKKK I hate this, I wanna kill myself for being so fucking stupid.

H: How the fuck do you know that?!
E: Well, I heard her
H: Wtf?! You're such a rat lol
E: Shut up and listen to me
H: Why would I do that?!
E: Because
H: You know what?! Fuck off Emily, I'll just go and kiss Regina so yeah, fuck yourself hehehehe

I was about to leave when she screamed

E: WAIT NO!!!!!
H: Bye Emily
H: I know you would never kill yourself

I saw how she pulled a razor blade outta her skirt's pocket


She started cutting nearby her veins, I saw blood, shit, I hate blood

H: STOP! What's the plan?

Back to Regina's POV

It's Monday, I'll go look for Hunter since we have all of our classes together today except for third period. I found Gavin in the hallways, he told me Hunter had already left for class. I entered the room and he wasn't sitting in his usual spot, he changed places with, Fred?! Oh okay. I passed through his seat and gave him a wtf look and he, ignored me?! I sat down and class started, The same thing happened in the second period. Is he avoiding me?!

Skip time to snack time

I sat down on the table, only Hunter was there, seating down, The others were still getting food so kinda makes sense

"Hi" i said, getting no response from his part. He never does that, NEVER si yes, he is totally avoiding me, BUT WHY?! Well I don't care, I'm still telling him after school

The day has passed and Hunter's being the same shit, not like in the morning, how did he change so fast?! That's sus, but well, what can I do?!

Time skip to after school😩😩😩

hermana tengo miedo

okay go

keep going

yeah a lil more

almost there

okay aquí abajito



keep going😩😩😩

yes in here

I told Hunter to go with me to the back of the school, I really needed to talk to him, this time he replied, he looked nervous tho

We went together to the back of the school, some awkward silence felt in the environment. We finally got there and I started...

R: Hunter, I- don't even know how to tell you this but ugh

i stayed silent,

H: Regina?!
R: Yeah?
H: Tell me
R: Okay, I wanted to tell you this yesterday but well I couldn't so I'll just do it now
H: Oh so it's that thing?
R: Yea it is
H: Okay what is it?

I leaned closer to hunter, got on my tippy toes and kissed his soft lips. Am I doing the wrong thing?!

Hunter's POV

I stayed shocked, I couldn't help to kiss back, I have always wanted to kiss Regina, but I'm scared, I'm scared someone will get hurt.

Regina pulled away

"Hunter, I- I like you, okay? And, I think I love you."

I love you too, but we can't be together

I need to stick to the plan...

I know I will regret this but it will end up soon...

I took a deep breath

Back to Regina's POV

"Hunter, I- I like you okay? And I think I love you."

That's what came out of my mouth, I said it...

His eyes watered, did I do something wrong!?!?

H: Regina, I-I love Emily and I never liked you and would never like you so, I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore, you're disgusting, I don't even know why I ever called you my friend.

When I heard that I knew that nothing would ever be the same. My heart was broken into a thousand million pieces. I had lost Hunter, MY Hunter, forever.

R: What!? But Hunt-
H: No, don't talk to me, Emily is my girlfriend so I won't talk to you anymore, you're mean, Regina. You don't know about her and you called her a bitch when the actual bitch is you, so fuck off and leave me alone, don't ever talk to me again.
R: Okay then, if that's what you want, but don't ever come back to me when she breaks your fucking heart, just like you did with mine rn. How could I never see that part in you?! And don't worry Biden, I won't need you, fuck you and this 14 years I've know you.

My heart was shattered in pieces, I cried so hard, like a lost baby in the supermarket, secret service took me home and I closed everything, again, nobody home. just me, I went to my room and cried, I looked out the window, I saw Hunter, we made eye contact, and I closed the blinds, I never want to see him again.


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