Pt. 15 - Science Project?!

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Is it actually a science project? We'll see that later😏😏😏😏

Hunter's POV

"Hunter wait"

H: Gigi what's wrong?
R: I'm not ready to be in a relationship with you, at least not now. I just find it really awkward and plus, you just broke up with Emily, second of all, we are back to being friends and that happened minutes ago, I need to gain your trust again, Hunter, maybe afterwards I'll be ready to date you.
H: Okay, but just to let you know, no matter what your decision will be, I will always wait for you.

I hugged her tight, thinking about all of this, and how boom, i got friend zoned 😔😔😔 at least we're friends, i guess? Ughhh I'll just need to wait. I need her to love me like before, or even more. I'll make her fall for me again. I swear, I will.

We watched a movie, after that I left to my house, I gave her a good night hug before, of course.

Time skip to next day

still Hunter's POV🙄🙄

I got up earlier, I had a lot of energy, I went to school earlier that day, and on my skateboard 😩😩😩 I went to starbucks's and bought Gigi a cake pop hehehe she loves those😩 I went to her locker, forced it😈 and placed the cake pop and a note in her locker, later I just waited for her to come to school and go to class together. When she finally came AHHHHH I was happy😩😩😩

H: Hey Gigi!!
G: Oh Hey Hunter!
H: How's your morning?
G: Pretty great, what about yours?
H: Mine is better now that I see your beautiful face
I smiled and she blushed
G: I'm going to take my bag to my locker, wanna come with me?
H: Yea let's go

Regina's POV

I went to my locker with Hunter, and opened it, it had a starbucks's bag in it and a note😏😏😏

R: Oh wow, what's this?

I grabbed it and it was a cake pop AHHH I LOVE THOSE!! and I read the note

R: Awww that's so cute, thanks Hunter!
H: Anytime and only for you😏

I gave him a kiss on the cheek he deserves it, food is any girls weakness 😩😩 I ate the cake pop and went to class with Hunter. Everything was going back to normal, finally, I am happy that everything lasted only a month. I am happy Emily left.

Hunter's POV

We were in Science class and got pared in couples to make a project of the solar system, didn't we do this like in 4th grade?! Well, I got pared with Regina, I WAS SO HAPPY that means more time with her so good. We then went to our next class, History everything was great, Mr. Cruz kinda got mad cause we wouldn't stop talking but i don't give a fuck🙄. My third period, Geography 🙄 was okay, I just don't like that class, I WISH I COULD HAVE SOCIAL STUDIES WITH REGINA AGHHH😩😩 anyways...

snack was great too, everything is back to normal, we're back to our sitting arrangements and to our cafeteria table. THIS DAY HAS BEEN GREAT AHHHHHHHHHH.

Time skip to after school.

Regina's POV

Right now me and Hunter are going to his house, we need to work on our science project, Ms. Lamothe said that we could have extra points if we turn it in before this week ends and I mean WHO DOESNT WANT EXTRA POINTS IN SCIENCE?! Well I do so yeah lmaoooooo

We called secret service who took us to Hunter's house. Before we got there, we went to chipotle duh🙄🙄🙄 we got some burritos in the drive thru and finally got to his house, we went to his room and got to work, I took out my note book and my pens, he did the same and we started working and planning how our model of the solar system was going to look like, his room started getting a little hot so I tied my hair up in a ponytail leaving two strips of hair out. It was really hot so he brought some sour patch popsicles 😩😩 they were so good! After that, We continued working, Hunter got closer to me, we continued planning everything, I was explaining something of the model Hunter didn't understand and he was just staring at me, I felt it, I looked up at him...

"What's wrong?" I asked

Hunter just smiled looked at me, tucked one of my hair strips behind my ear and cupped my face, he got closer as whispered to my ear..

"How do you do that?" he asked

"Do what?" I responded

"Make me hella crazy just by looking into your eyes." he said

He smiled again and stared into my eyes again, he got closer and our lips touched, one more time, we were kissing each other, his lips were so soft, irresistible I just couldn't help it, his lips tasted just like blue sour patch kids and those are my favorites so I melted way more into the kiss. We continued kissing. Well not kissing, we were making out😩😩😩😩 but anyways😏😏😏 we were getting more into the kiss when we heard the door open

It was

It was

A CLOWN?! no jk😩😩

it was

it was

drumrolls pleaseeeee



New word count: 939😩😩

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