Chapter 6 - Jokes

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

When I woke up the next morning Jack was still out, as the bell hadn't rung yet. I smiled as I looked at him, but was quickly distracted by the aching I felt throughout my entire body. I sighed as the events of the previous day replayed through my head, already mentally exhausted. 

The bell then rang and I quickly closed my eyes again, not wanting Jack to see I had woken up. I heard him stretch and get up, beginning to get ready and likely wanting to let me rest. I eventually opened my eyes slowly, trying to sit up. Because of the pain I was shaking a little as I did so, and just in time, Jack turned to look at me. He came to my side and helped me to sit up, smiling.

"Thanks," I said, smiling back at him.

"Don't mention it," he continued to smile, buttoning his shirt. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm in a lot of pain," I said, pushing my hair off my face.

"I bet," he then handed me one of my shirts, catching me mildly by surprise. 

"Oh, thanks," I mumbled a bit, feeling embarrassed.

"You sure you shouldn't rest?" He asked as I attempted to stand, letting me do so on my own.

"Yeah-" I began, but was cut off by a wave of aching coming over me. Jack quickly came to my aide and held me up, looking worried. "Sorry," I said once it had passed, my face feeling hot.

"You say sorry too much," Jack teased, making me laugh a little. "C'mon, I'll help you down."

As we reached the square I felt everyone's eyes on the two of us, but I was unsure why. Once we got in line Race immediately came over to us, seeming just as confused as I was. 

"Why is everyone staring?" I asked right away, not sure I could take it for much longer.

"I dunno, I came to ask you the same thing," Race said, looking between the two of us.

"I'm sure it's nothing, just ignore it." Jack smiled at me as he walked to Weisel and paid him, acting as though nothing was going on. I got my papes quickly and followed him, still feeling everyone's eyes on us.

"Jack, what the hell is going on," I whispered, making Jack look at me.

"I'll ask Romeo, alright?" He reassured me, then motioning for Romeo to head over to us. He did just that and smiled kindly at us, but I couldn't smile back. "Hey, why is everyone bein' so weird?" Jack asked, wasting no time.

"Oh, uh," Romeo began, caught off guard. "They're just making jokes as usual," he said, but I just got even more confused.

"'Bout what?" I immediately asked, not waiting for Jack to do so.

"They're just making jokes about you two dating 'cause they're childish," Romeo answered, and I felt Jack's entire demeanor change. 

"They always gotta make those jokes, huh?" He spoke sternly, not looking at me. 

"Yeah, they never come up with anything new," Romeo walked away from us as he spoke, and I turned to Jack. He refused to look at me, however, instead sending everyone out to sell without saying a word to me.

I had forgotten about the events of the morning quickly, as it was clear to me that this was a running gag throughout the fellas. When I got home after selling I was alone, as Jack hadn't returned yet. I ate the dinner I had bought myself in silence, listening to the city around me as I watched the sun go down. Eventually, the ladder shook, making me smile.

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