Chapter 35 - Corrections

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Criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

As usual, the bell woke me up, and I moved over so I was closer to Jack. He began to play with my hair, not saying a word. I felt as though I could lay there forever, listening to his rhythmic breathing while things were still quiet around us. Finally, I looked up at him, knowing that if I didn't he'd stay here all day. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Morning," he said, his voice scratchy as it usually was when he woke up. 

"Morning," right as I spoke it became apparent that I had a pounding headache, making my smile drop.

"You alright?" Jack asked, pushing my hair back.

"Headache, that's all." I went back to smiling, not wanting him to worry. "But other than that I'm feeling better today." Jack's smile grew while I talked, and he was clearly relieved.

"That's good," he said, pushing my hair back again. 

"You should probably get ready," I pointed out, making him jokingly sigh.

"Fine, fine. You just wanna get rid of me, I get it," he teased as he got up, making me laugh.

"Is it that obvious?" I joked back, sitting up in bed with much more ease than I had been in the last few days. I then thought about how I was doing mentally rather than physically, remembering that I hadn't written in my journal for quite a while. While I was thinking Jack had gotten ready, and he walked to the bedside to give me one more kiss on the head.

"Try eating, and go easy on yourself, alright?" He said, and I nodded.

"Hey, do you think you could do me a huge favor?" I asked.

"Of course," Jack smiled, making me do the same.

"Do you think once you're done sellin' that you could get my journal from the penthouse? I should start writing in it again." Jack then chuckled, confusing me a little.

"If that's your definition of a huge favor, then you've got some low expectations," he teased, and I could feel myself begin to blush.

"Well you have to go out of your way to get it, and you gotta climb the ladder and everything," I explained, seeing him laugh even more.

"God, you're cute." He then ruffled my hair, walking to the door. "I'll be back later, and I'll try my absolute best to get your journal. Might not make it though, since it's soooo out of my way." He joked, making the both of us laugh.

"Thank you," I said through my laughter, and he left without another word.

After I ate I went right back to bed, wanting to get rid of my headache. I ended up spending most of the day sleeping, as I knew that eating and sleeping were really the only two things I could do to get better. 

I was still laying down, trying to see if I could fall asleep again, when the door opened. I sat up and immediately smiled, seeing Jack was finally home. He walked over to the bed and handed me my journal, smiling back at me.

"Dunno if I can play cards tonight," he said, sitting on the bed.

"Why?" I asked, worried.

"I'm just so exhausted after going all the way to get your journal," he teased, making me laugh. 

"Oh shut up," I said, making Jack laugh, too. 

"How's your head?" Jack asked, pushing my hair back.

"Not much better," I sighed, worried that Jack might make me step out of playing cards tonight.

"You still wanna play?" He then asked, and I quickly nodded. He chuckled a little at my reaction, smiling. "Alright. How're you feeling, besides your head?"

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