Chapter 29 - A Date

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Criticism spot! :) 

Crutchie's POV

As usual, I didn't bother to open my eyes when waking up, instead moving even closer to Jack. What wasn't normal however, was the crushing weight I felt on my chest. I had no idea why, but everything in me was screaming to stay asleep, as something bad was going to happen if I left the penthouse. Jack didn't know how I was feeling, of course, so he thought I was just doing my normal gag of not wanting to get up.

"C'mon, let's get up," he said, and I shook my head. "We gotta," he continued, chuckling as he hadn't noticed yet that I was upset. He then pushed my hair back from my face, and I could almost feel him grow worried. "Wait- you ain't kidding, are you?" He asked, and I shook my head. "What's going on?" I moved even closer to him, and he put his arms around me. "Not feeling well?" I nodded this time, suddenly feeling like I could cry at any moment. "Is it not feelin' well in a sick way, or in a mental way?"

"I feel like I can't get up," I explained, my voice scratchy. 

"Just having a rough start?" I nodded again, finally opening my eyes and looking up at him. "Would grounding yourself work?" He tried, smiling kindly at me.

"I don't think so, I mean, I know where I am." I sighed, looking away from him.

"Sorry, I'm just thinkin' out loud," he said, and I quickly looked back to him with a smile.

"I know, it was a good idea," he pushed my hair back again, a smile still on his face. "I don't know what's going on with me."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Just take a minute to breathe." I then rubbed my eyes, sighing again. 

"You get ready while I calm down," I backed away from him, sitting up.

"You sure?" He sat up too, and I nodded. "Alright. I take it you want to sell, too?" I nodded again with a smile, making him laugh just a little. He got up, kissing me on the head.

I looked down at my hands and noticed I had begun to shake, catching myself off guard while I stared. I completely ignored Jack as he walked around and got ready, as I couldn't convince myself to get up yet. I rested my head in my hands and focused on my breathing, but for some reason I still wasn't improving. I heard Jack walk over to me and set clothes down next to me, so I looked to him, trying to smile.

"If you're still feeling this down, I don't want you selling," he said, kneeling down.

"Jack I'm fine," I tried, but it was clear he was unconvinced.

"Crutchie I-"

"Please. Just let me." He sighed and stood up, and I knew I had won. "In fact, you head to the square. I'll meet you there." Jack stared at me for a moment, clearly not wanting to leave me alone. After a few seconds, though, he took off down the ladder. 

I got ready slowly and hoped that maybe I'd start to feel better, but it still wasn't working. It felt as though nothing I was doing would ever be enough, so I reluctantly just went on my way, trying to, at the very least, ignore how I was feeling. 

As I walked it felt as though I was being held down by something, and each step was harder than the last. I decided to focus on just one thing at a time, and I'd go through the day in sections to make it more doable. 

"Hey!" I heard from behind me, and I turned to see Race running up to me with a smile. "Where's Jack?"

"I told him to go to the square without me," I answered as I waited for him to catch up, trying to smile the best I could. 

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