Chapter 6: The Past

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After questioning Preston and finding his answers most unhelpful, Rop headed over to Demu's house. She was surprised to see him over, and kindly let him in.

"Rop, you are so swaggy," Demu said.

"Aw, why thank you," Rop answered. He took a seat on her lavish purple couch.

"Can I get you anything? Want some lake water?" Demu offered. Rop gladly accepted it, and Demu went outside with a bottle, got some water from the river and came back. Rop sipped from the bottle happily. "Ahh. That hit the spot."

"So, what is it? What brings you here?"

"Well, you see, there's been a little incident at Tomato's house."

"An incident? Oh my, not another one... What was it this time?"

"A trampling. One of Tomato's potato plants was trampled and we're trynna find out who did it."

Demu threw her hands over her mouth. "Oh, dear! How awful! And.. exciting! Well, you came to just the right person! I've been living here for a while now, and it's impossible not to notice all the things that go on around there. Have you tried talking to Avery about it?"

"Yes, actually," Rop said. "He was the first we talked to. We're pretty sure he didn't do it. Do you know anything about his relationship with Tomato?"

Demu was quick to answer. "Oh, I know lots of things about the people in this town. I have a whole list, actually! Oh, where should I start? Ah! Well, at last year's Stupidity Festival, I saw those two fighting while trying to sell their crops and stuff. Avery was clearly irritated, and Tomato kept making fun of him because his crops were much better than Avery's could ever be. The whole crowd always opted for Tomato's crops rather than Avery's, even when he got on his knees and begged for them to buy his stuff. It was really quite sad. Oh! And there was another time. This happened not too long ago, actually. I was just in my garden, minding my own business, when I heard shouting coming from Tomato's house. Naturally, I went over in that direction, and peered around Avery's house to see Tomato and Avery were arguing about their crops again. Apparently, Tomato claimed to have harvested all of the kelp in the area, and this made Avery very upset. Avery kept calling Tomato names, but Tomato just laughed it off and made the most hilarious comebacks to what Avery was saying. It was all fun and games until Avery slapped Tomato in the face. Can you believe that?! Tomato ended up having to chase Avery away from his property with a knife, and Avery spent the rest of that day inside. It seemed to upset him quite a bit."

Rop began to think. Huh... Well, that would explain why Tomato would automatically accuse Avery of the crime. The two were constantly at each other's throats.

Rop asked, "And how long ago would you say this was?"

"Hmm... Lemme think. It was definitely less than a month ago. I don't know exactly when, but it wasn't long ago at all."

"Hm, interesting. Now, were you out at all last night by any chance?"

"Well, of course. I try not to waste the whole day inside. I remember going over to borrow some wool from that idiot Valentina. I remember, quite vividly, her place smelling heavily of poop. And then I went over to the woods by Bleek's house and got some wood, which I used to make a cute little fence for my sandcherry shrubs. Emu came and delivered something to me, so that was nice. To see her, I mean. The thing she actually delivered was garbage."

"Did you see anything going on with Tomato yesterday?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Nothing at all?"

"Well... I can't remember. I might have. Actually, I'm pretty sure I did. Through my window. I think I saw him in his garden."

Rop's eyebrows lifted. "You saw Tomato in his garden?"

"I mean, I'm pretty sure. He's out in his garden all the time, I just remember seeing him."

"About what time was this?"

"It was pretty late. Around nine or ten o'clock, I'd say. I was about to go to bed when I saw him in his flashy diamond armor in his garden. I'm pretty sure it was Tomato. He was workin' pretty hard over there. Farmwork isn't easy, you know."

"Mhm, yeah, I know."

Rop took some time to consider his next question. After thinking for a bit, he asked: "Did you hear any weird sounds at all last night?"

"Weird sounds?"


"Like what?"

"Like.. maybe a crunching sound? Or like a rock being thrown or hitting the ground?"

"I can't say I did. And even if I did, I probably wouldn't remember. I was pretty tired that night for whatever reason. I remember there were a few birds on top of Tomato's roof, does that count?"

"Did you hear anyone talking? Or moving around outside?"

"Well, I did hear someone, I'm pretty sure, but I didn't really care enough to listen in. It's not my kind of thing to go nosing around in other peoples' business."

Rop was about to say something, but he decided against it. Well, Demu had been a very helpful source. Rop decided that it was time he reported back to Piper with the information he had just received. He let himself out happily, and went off down the road back towards his and Preston's house.

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