Maybe Wise Isn't the Word

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You drove your way over to the dentist's with CC in the passenger seat.

"Haha, (y/n), we can just turn around. Don't worry about it!"

"Nope, you're not getting out of this one."

CC let out a, "hmph," as they slouched down into the car seat.

They had to get their wisdom teeth taken out and you knew it was going to be difficult. CC was terrified of the dentist's, even though they were old enough now which meant that that fear was looked down upon, it didn't matter.

Once you arrived, you helped them into the building, and then later into the room where they were going to be performing the surgery.

"I'll be right here waiting for you, okay?"

They gave a fearful nod as you squeezed their hand once more.

Once the operation was done, a very drugged CC came out of the room and into your arms.

"See I told you it'd be okay!"

They smiled, gauze filling their mouth,

"Guys everywon wook at my girlfwend/boyfwend/(preferred term). She/He/They... so beautifwul."

You laughed awkwardly as they played with your hair.

"Awh fuck," They muttered, holding onto their cheek.

"We gotta take you home."

"Nooo, wait,"

You lifted your brows.

"Will u marry me pretty lady/handsome man/(preferred combination)?"


"Pweaseee..." They whined before passing out into your arms.

"Geez, what am I gonna do with you?"

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