Chapter 3 : The New School!

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hi guys, this is my first story here, so please leave your comments below and let me know~~~~~~~~~~~~~~thankyouu 

I woke up really early the next morning. It was 5:30am. I took out my phone from underneath my pillow and decided to call home. I spoke to my parents for about 15 minutes telling them about everyone i had met. They said they missed me, but also sounded really happy for me.

Around 6:00am, i went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and took a shower. I didnt have a school schedule yet so i decided to take a small white backpack which went with the plain white razor back top i was wearing. i paired my top with a pair of skinny jeans and converse. 

I came out of my room and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat. Unfortuneately all i could get was some coffee and an apple. So i made some coffee and started chewing on the apple. Something just came up to my mind that minute. The look everyone had on their faces when i mentioned werewolves and vampires. I was pretty creeped because they all acted a bit weird.

Before i could think any further i heard a knock on my door. I was pretty sure it was tyler so i grabbed  my backpack, took my phone, and picked my house keys from the counter. I opened the door and saw Tyler standing there. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans and converse. His black hair prefectly styled and his dark brown eyes glowing brightly as soon as i looked into them.

"Wow, exactly on time" i said "with one minute to spare my lady" tyler joked. We got into the car and tyler started driving. He turned on the radio and my favorite song radiate by Goldfrapp started playing so i turned up the volume a bit. "you like this song?" tyler asked shockingly "yup" i popped on the P. Tyler increased the volume a bit more and then a few other songs played and we reached school.

"here we are" he said "welcome to Mystic Falls high school" he smiled. I looked around and saw lots of posters on trees and green grass and some wooden tables in the grass. it was beautiful. Tyler directed me to the principal's office saying he'll see me later since he had something to catch up with. i willingly entered the hallway and made my way to the principal's office ignoring all the things around. 

"You must be Ms.Anand" the principal asked. He was a short white fellow with round glasses and probably the sweetest principal any school can ever have. We had a little conversation about the school's academics and extra curriculars and then he handed me my class schedule and i left. 

This is when i noticed the hallway. I saw all the lockers around just searching for my locker number which was 32. I found my locker, and besides my locker, i found Stefan looking into his locker. So i assumed his locker was right next to mine. "Morning" he smirked at me, i smiled back. "uff i have history" i let out. "great me too, so you're coming with me then" he offered. "sure" i had no other option because i didnt know anybody else and tyler was no where to be seen. 

Caroline met us on the way to history class and waved a poster in front of my eyes. it said "70s" dance. I laughed and said "sorry Care, no date, no dance and i dont dance" "oh comeon Anii" she pleaded "you've got to come, i'm organzing it and there will be food" the sound of food convinced me to go! 

When we reached history class Stefan and Caroline took their seat and Elena offered me the one between her and Tyler. It looked like the whole gang sat together. Everyone was around eachother but i noticed Jeremy wasnt around. "where's Jeremy?" i asked Bonnie "oh he's a year younger so he has his own class" she replied cheerfully. Bonnie was a bowl of sunshine. I had never seen a frownline on her head and she was always smiling. Well probably because i had just met her.

Our history teacher then entered. He was tall and had his light brown hair gelled back, he was pretty hot for a history teacher. "he's Mr.Saltzman, our history teacher" tyler whispered. "ohh" i whispered back. "you can  call me Alaric, or Ric, the teacher said coming close to me" i smiled at him and he went back to the white board.

"Today, i am going to let all of you go and prepare for the dance" Ric said "Do you have a date with my aunt?" Elena joked with him "Why yes" Ric blushed. Everyone in the class started giggling except for me because i had no idea what was going on.

"Jenna is Elena's aunt, guardian and friend, her parents passed away" Tyler explained "and Ric is openely dating Jenna" Stefan finished up. "Bonnie and Elena why dont you guys help me with the paints" Caroline asked. Bonnie and Elena both nodded in sync.

"do u want me to do anything?" i asked. "um why dont you help tyler and stefan with the drinks" she said. "okay" i excitedly replied since i got to work with Tyler, and i could try and get some truth out of Stefan too about the other night.

Tyler led me to the locker room and helped me carry some huge red cups and plates and spoons to the gym. "so, this decade dance, are you going?" Stefan asked me curiously "Well i dont know, but maybe for Caroline and the girls i would come for a while" i replied. Stefan then left the gym alone for me and Tyler.

"sooo?" Tyler broke out "sooo?" i broke back. "okay can i ask you something?" i asked tyler "yeah sure go on" "well, you see the other night at the grill when i asked about werewolves and vampires, why did all of you freak so much? i blurted "nothing really, we were just shocked you asked about supernatural things" "ohh" "lets get back to the cups?" he smirked "okayy" 

Tyler and i played around a bit with the cups and the spoons and had some small talk about how our kiddish life was and stuff. We got along really well, my crush was confirmed. 

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