Chapter 10: Confessions

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Everyone got down of their cars and pulled out their sleepover bags. I guess everyone wanted to stay over. I got down and unlocked the door. 

Matt, Jeremy, Bonnie and Tyler entered. But Elena, Stefan and Caroline couldnt. Tyler entered because he was already invited in once. "Arent you going to invite us in?" Stefan asked pretending to be a gentleman by not barging into someone's house. "cant come in can you?" i smirked. "fine come inside" i said. Everyone then realized what this meeting was about. In about 10 minutes Mason also arrived, but he didnt need an invite cuz he is just a werewolf.

"Guys take a seat" i chattered in my serious voice "woah relax" Matt murmmured "relax? how am i supposed to relax?" i exploded "you guys never told me what you are, how can that be possible? i thought you were my best friends and your hid the biggest thing about your lives from me? i mean i know i am new but still." i literally ran into tears. Tyler came behind me and comforted me "Shh dont cry, we didnt want to scare you away, and Tyler really likes you so we didnt want anything to happen" Bonnie explained. "i know but you could have tried me, and if i would have run away i wouldnt have been a good person" i also explained my point of view. "we're sorry" they all chorused together. 

"good" i said "now here's the problem". I illustrated the whole Klaus and Damon thing to them about the sacrifice and me becoming a hybrid and everything. It was all so natural because it came from within me. Everyone gasped. "You're from Klaus's bloodline?" Mason asked surprised "Yup, and ts really bad, because i have to kiil a werewolf and a vampire for me to stay alive and for Elena to stay alive and honestly i dont want Elena to die so i'm ready to turn into a hybrid." "no" Elena screamed. "I'm a vampire, he cannot take my blood, i cannot be the doppleganger"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tyler's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was shocked! I couldnt believe i would either loose Elena or Anii.... i couldnt loose any of them and they were both equally important. Okay Anii a bit more but Elena was there for me when i needed her and now she needs me.

"Wait a second" Stefan looked like he got something "Klaus knows you're a vampire right Elena?" he asked and Elena nodded in agreement "Then that means he is going to remove you from the vampire curse before he kills you, because the doppleganger cannot be a vampire" he continued.

"You're right!" Bonnie exclaimed. She magically poofed some grimores in front of us and started looking through them. "i might find something about this in one of these grimores because its the bennet bloodline which created this" she said

I felt completely out of my mind. I cannot imagine how Klaus is looking for a cure to cure Elena.

"he didnt tell me anything about a cure" Anii confessed. "well thats because he's smart, he knew you would tell us" Matt figured. "look guys, we cant let Elena die, so that means we cant cure her" i said. 

I looked around to see the expressions on everyone's faces and they were all so scared. Anii's eyes started to water so i hugged her from behind to assure her that everything would be fine.

"wait a second" Bonnie paused our thinking. "whats up?" Stefan asked curiously "It says here that a wolf curse can be cured, a vamire curse can be cured, but a hybrid curse cannot be cured" she said, "ermm soooo?" Caroline asked and Matt and Jeremy also agreed that they didnt understand. "This means that if you're a hybrid, you cannot be cured, never no matter what happens. its so simple, we just need to turn Elena into a hybrid" Bonnie explained. 

"oooohhh" Jeremy, Caroline and Matt oohed and aahed. "but how is that going to happen?" i questioned. "well you see i could bite her" Mason said, "or even you could Tyler, and then when Klaus kills her, she'll come back as a hybrid" he explaied "is that right Bonnie?" Anii confimred. "Nope, i would have to put a spell on Elena to make her come back to live, because a werewolf bite would kill her instantly remember?" Bonnie reminded us.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elena's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone is being so sweet and protective, but i dont think i can do this. I mean i dont know what to say. I really wanna un-vampire myself but then i dont want to diie and leave either because i love everyone so much, and if i die, it means all the people i've turned would also kind of die. Maybe they would. I'm so scared. I really dont know what to do.


"Wait a second" Tyler had an idea it seemed. "Anii has the blood of a hybrid running in her right? so if Elena could drink an innocent hybrid blood then she would come back as a hybrid wouldnt she bonnie?" "Tyler you're right" Bonnie agreed.

"Wait i have to drink Anii's blood?" I exclaimed "i cant do that, i'll kill her" "a little control baby" Matt encouraged me and kissed my forehead.


It had been about 1 hour since Anii hadnt said anything. What was she thinking about? I sent the other vampires a mind message and Tyler was able to transfer it to Bonnie. "Anii whats wrong?" Mason finally asked. "Nothing really, its just that i'm so happy Elena is going to stay alive, but i'll still have to become a hybird" "i thought you were okay with that?" Stefan asked "i am perfectly fine with that, but i have to kill a vampire and a werewolf before i live remember?" Anii finished up. "I'll turn a vampire and Mason or Tyler can turn a werewolf. You can kill them and you'll be with us" Caroline suggested. 

Well that was a good idea, but Anii would never agree to kill anyone innocent, she would rather die, but we couldnt let her die! it was against us, because she was saving me!!

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