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Hey guys, it's me, tenny10- 10!!🤗🤗🤗🤗


I know I haven't updated in like, 4 or 5 months, I don't know. I've lost count. 😅😅😅😅

My phone was seized because I have to read for exams, again. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

So I had to write down the story in a book and now I'm doing the hard struggle of typing it down. What a drag. 😴😴😴😴

Yosh!!! Let's get this party started!!! 😎😎😎😎


Tenji walked out of the room and left the tent with a smile on his face. No matter what happened, those three will always be Team Gai.

He then saw the light that enveloped him when he left the hospital room when Neji and Tenten were still Genins and stepped into it.

"Time to go home, I guess." Tenji said.

And then he was gone.


When Tenji opened his eyes, he found himself in front of the Academy and was confused. Turning round, he saw a group of Genins but what shocked him was that he saw a 13 year old Konohamaru. That was enough to tell him he was still in the past.


Good thing no one can hear him.

"I'm your guest lecturer today and I'm gonna demonstrate some Taijutsu moves, so pay close attention." A voice he knew all too well said.

Turning around, he saw Neji in the standard Jonin attire. His hair had also grown a bit longer, even though it wasn't noticeable.

Neji did some basic Taijutsu moves, but because he's a Hyuga and a Jinchuriki, the Genins thought what he was doing was out of this world. It was perfect, no flaws. The Genins all looked at Neji with stars in their eyes.

How they admired him.

"It's Neji-kun!!! Neji-kun over here!!! KYA!!!" was what the two Hyugas suddenly heard.

Looking at the Academy, they saw girls screaming and calling Neji, all those cliche stuff that fangirls do. They looked at him the same way the Genins looked at him, the only difference was that there were hearts in their eyes.

How they adored him.

And why not? Sasuke was gone on his road to redemption, Naruto was engaged to Hinata, so Neji was the only option they had.

Tenji sweatdropped and left. In the process, Tenji bumped into Team 8, who were watching Neji.

"I never thought Neji-nii-san would become prime choice material." Hinata said. Akamaru barked as if in agreement.
"You mean like beef jerky?!" Kiba, who was sitting on Akamaru, asked. Tenji just gave him a 'wtf?' look.
"Of course not. I mean Neji-nii-san has become popular with the girls, just like Naruto-kun." Hinata responded.
"Well, it's no surprise that everyone admires him. Why? Because Neji, Naruto and Sasuke defeated Madara and Obito." Shino piped up, scaring the shit out of Tenji, who didn't even notice Shino at all.
"You're right, Shino-kun."

Tenji left, not because of their conversation, but because the fangirls were increasing in number. As he walked through the village, he saw Tenten come out of a shop.

Tenten wore a white shirt with baby pink trimmings and baby pink baggy pants. Her hair was still in buns but she braided part of it down.

Tenji noticed the bag in her hands and activated his Byakugan. He saw it contained thread and some materials. Tenji followed her home and slept there.

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