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Tenji realized too late that he shouldn't have said that.

"What did you call me?!" She exclaimed.
"WHAT DID YOU CALL HER?!!!!" For some reason, Neji was angry and was about airpalm this bastard.

"I mean..... How about we do introductions?!" He asked so that Neji won't hit his chakra points again.

Thankfully, Lee started.

"All right, I'll start. I am the beautiful green beast of Konoha, the amazing Rock Lee!!! Yosh!!" Then he struck a good guy pose.

"Well my name is Tenten. I'm the Weapons Mistress of Konoha and I'm very friendly."
'I am definitely sticking with mom'

Turning to Neji, he said, "What about you, usuratonkachi?!"

Neji glared at him so hard that if Tenji was bacon, he would have been burnt to a crisp right now.

"......Neji Hyuga, prodigy and genius of Team Gai and the Hyuga clan."

Smiling to them, Tenji said, "Nice to meet all of you......"
"Who are you?!" Neji asked
"Huh?!" Tenji asked back
"I said 'who are you?', you look like a Hyuga but I haven't seen you before."
'Right, my Byakugan.' He thought bitterly.
"Well, my name is Tenji."

Then Lee and Tenten looked at Neji and Tenji back and forth and saw a lot of similarities between them.

Neji's hair was in a low ponytail while Tenji's hair was in a moderate single braid. Neji had shorts and shirt with his right arm and leg wrapped in bandages while Tenji wore a simple kimono shirt and some pants that were not tight and not baggy. Somewhere in between. And he carried a red scroll on his lower waist.

[A/N: Picture of what Tenji is wearing is above.]

Those were the only difference between them. They had the same eyes (obviously), the same hair color, and the same face structure. But Neji knew that Tenji was different from the other Hyugas despite being one.

His eyes may be cold looking but they were lively, and there was no trace of hate in his eyes, something most Hyugas (except Hinata and Hanabi) had when they looked at someone.

And his eyes reminded him of a certain bun haired kuniochi.

".....Tenji who?"
"Tenji who?!"
'Shit, he's asking of my clan!! I have to flow with it!!!!'
"How do you know my clan?!!" Tenji shouted, sounding shocked and angry.
Now Neji was confused. "What do you mean?! Aren't you a Hyuga?!"
"No you usuratonkachi!!! My name is Tenji Huu!!!"
'I can't believe I said that!! Tenji Huu, what the hell, there is no Huu clan.'
"There is no Huu clan in Konoha." Tenten said.
'Really mom, you too?'
"Well, I'm not full Japanese, I'm half Chinese and half Japanese."

Neji then raised a perfect brow and gave him a 'Do you seriously expect me to believe you?' look.

"If you are a Huu, then why do you have the Byakugan?!" This time, Lee asked the question.
"Because my dad is Chinese and my mom is a Hyuga." He responded.
"What's her name?" Neji asked.
"......Hiromi Hyuga." He answered.
"How did you get here?" Neji asked again.
"What is this, 20 questions?! I fell from the sky dummy!! I just got here!!!"
"If you just got here, then where did you get your forehead protector from?" This time, Tenten asked.
'Well shit!!'
"My mom made one for me before she died."

Not wanting anymore questions, he put on what he hoped was a sad expression.

Thankfully, they got the hint.

"So what were you guys doing before I fell from the sky?" He asked.
"Neji and Lee were sparring then Lee stopped and ran to catch you in 5 seconds." Tenten answered.
"Now can we continue, I don't think Gai noticed our absence." Neji asked.
"Yes, we can continue here, then I will defeat you my youthful rival!!!" Lee exclaimed.

So Neji and Lee took their positions while Tenji and Tenten sat across the field watching them.

Call it a heat of the moment thing but Tenji swore he could see hearts in Tenten's eyes.

"Do you like him?"
"Do you like da-Neji, do you like Neji?"

Now she was blushing like crazy.

".......Mhm. But please don't tell him!!"
"Relax, I won't. Besides, he's an Usuratonkachi, I don't like him."
"He's nice once you get to know him, and besides, you're both Hyugas so you can get along with him."
"You think so?"
"I know so, 'cause he's such an amazing person." The hearts were back.

And now there were roses in the background.

Tenji just sweatdropped.

As expected, Neji won Lee. But it took 2 hours for Neji to win.

"Just face it Lee, you're weak." But he was actually happy that Lee was getting stronger.
"No!! I failed......"
"LEE!!! LEE!!!!"

They all turned around to see Gai running at full speed.


Then they ran to each other in slow motion.

Now Tenji was sure this was the heat of the moment thing, because he saw the sunset and the ocean.

"Where did the sunset and the ocean come from?! We're in the forest and it's 1 PM!!!" He asked
"Tenji, don't even bother." Neji answered

After the two blobs of green were gone, Tenji's stomach growled and it was followed by Neji's stomach.

"Let's go eat. Maybe we can meet the rest of Konoha 12." Tenten said "So, what do you guys want to eat?"
At the same time, "Soba noodles with herrings!!"

Then they looked at each other.

"Stop copying me!!"
"How did you know...."
"......I was gonna say that!!"
"STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU!!!!" Tenten screamed.
They both looked at her

'Now that's my mom.'

"Let's go!"

And with that, she grabbed their hands and lead the way to Ichiraku Ramen place.


Hey guyssss I'm back!!!!!

I can't believe some things I typed.

Tenji Huu, wtf?! 😂😂😂

You know the usual, tell me your honest opinion 🤗🤗🤗🤗

I'm starting to like this emoji🤗🤗🤗

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