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'What's this doing here? Mom hates any type of dirt. Speaking of mom.....'

Tenji then activated his Byakugan, and he wasn't sure if he should be thankful or panicking, because he was aware of Tenten's location but she was coming to his room.

'SHIT!! I can't get caught here!!!'
He quickly shushined to his room, put the scroll under his pillow and closed his eyes.

'Knock knock'
He ignored her.
He ignored her again.
He then heard her sigh and leave.

Time to look at the scroll.

'OK, what the actual fuck is up with this scroll?!'
Tenji was actually disappointed because he had expected some top rank mission or information about the Caged Bird Seal, but what did he see?! Some scrawny writing about going to the past.

'Those who find this scroll are those that always have complicated questions. Say what you want and you will get the answer to your situation.'

"OK, then. If this scroll works, then I want to know why mom loves a man like dad!" Tenji said.

He didn't expect it to work.

But like they say, 'Expectation is the mother of all fuckers.'

Or was it assumption?🤔

Anyways, Tenji waited for an answer, but it never came.

"Some stupid scroll this is!" He exclaimed, throwing the scroll across the room. Then he heard his voice coming from the scroll.

'OK then. If this scroll works, then I want to know why mom loves a man like dad!'

Then there was a blinding flash of light. It was so bright that Tenji did not see it coming.

"MOM!!! HELP!!!!"

But alas, no one heard him.

It was so white, then everywhere was black.

When Tenji woke up, he saw that he was face down on a door.

'That's weird. Doors are always standing on its hinges.'

"Good thing the door is stable." He said.

But he spoke too soon.

Because the moment he said that, the door gave way and he fell, and from the look of things, he was falling straight to the forest but he knew he was going to get some broken bones.

The last time he had broken bones was 2 years ago when Kaana activated her Byakugan because he hid all her toys. And it wasn't a funny story.

'No no no!!!! I don't want to die!!!!!! This was a trap!!!!! Mom, Dad, save me!!!!!!!' he thought with tears in his eyes.

30 feet.... 20 feet...... 10 feet......

'It's over.'

The next thing he felt were a pair of arm carrying him bridal style and he immediately closed his eyes to hide his tears from whoever was carrying him.

'I'm a Hyuga. We don't cry.' He thought while wiping his tears.

"NEJI-KUN,WHY DID YOU FALL FROM THE SKY?!" a voice said, well, more like shouted.

'Only one person talks like that....' He thought while opening his eyes and he came face to face with none other than.....

"UNCLE LEE!!!" He exclaimed.

When Lee put him down, he had a look of confusion on his face. Then Tenji had a good look at him.

He looked awfully like Lee, but the Lee in front of him had his sleeves on his spandex, unlike the other Lee he knew that had no sleeve at all.
He also realized that they were the same height, but Tenji was roughly taller than Lee.

".....I-KUN! NEJI-KUN!!!!"
"Oh, sorry."
"Are you okay, I thought you were with our youthful flower?!"
"........With who now?!"

Now Tenji had the look of confusion on his face, who the hell was this 'youthful flower' he was talking about?!

"Lee, Lee, where are you?!" a girl called out.
"Lee, come out already! Gai sensei is looking for you!!" a boy shouted and it sounded like he was angry.

"Um, Lee..."
"Yes Neji-kun?!"
"I'm not Neji."
"But you look like him!!"
'No shit, Sherlock.'
"I'm sorry but my name is...."

Tenji then felt all his chakra points in pain.


The last thing he thought before passing out was: 'So this is dad, what a pain!'

'Why does my head hurt?!'

"He's finally coming to." The girl said.
"Neji-kun, you better apologize to him." Lee shouted.
"Hn, whatever Lee." Neji responded.

'Such an usuratonkachi.*'

Tenji then sat up right.
"Dude, what the actual fuck is up with you?!!"

He then opened his eyes to activate his byakugan but immediately thought against it. He then looked around and saw Lee, Neji, and Tenten.



I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it!!!!!!
Finally done the second chapter! And I'm finally getting the hang of this

BTW, usuratonkachi actually means loser. 😅😅😅

Tell me your honest opinions in the comments 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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