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She calmed down and passed out. But before that, she heard, "........... round is Tenten."

~The infirmary~

She couldn't believe it.

She won Temari no Subaku.

It was still hard to process this piece of information.

But due to the injuries caused by Temari, she could not watch Lee as he battled against Gaara no Subaku, A.K.A, Gaara of the Sand. But she was sure that Lee had recovered from the fight.

She was enjoying the peace and quiet the arena had to offer, but it wasn't for long, because she had visitors.

Fortunately, the two Hyugas came.

Unfortunately, the two green blobs tagged along.

"INDEED GAI SENSEI!!!!!" Lee said with equal vigor.
"GAI SENSEI!!!!!!!!"
"GAI SENSEI!!!!!!!!!!!"
"8 TRIGRAMS: VACUUM PALM!!!!!!"  The two Hyugas shouted.

Lee and Gai then disappeared into the sky with a twinkle.

But they would be back in like, 10 mins top, so they had to make the best use of the quiet.

That was, until Neji decided to ruin the moment.

"What was that you did with Temari, you just seemed to control water and fire and, I don't even know what is going on but you have to tell me now. I thought we were friends, so why did you hide this from me?!!!"
"Really usuratonkachi?! Can't you see that she's injured?! You can do this another time!!!" Tenji snapped.
"Tenji, it's okay. And Neji, to answer your question......"
"Yes, what is it?!" Neji pressed forward.
"The truth is............
...... I don't know what your talking about. Honestly, I don't remember what happened when I fought Temari."
"THEN WHY THE SUSPENSE???!!!!!!"  Neji shouted.
"NOW IS NOT THE TIME USURATONKACHI!!!!!"  Tenji chastised.
"Shut up you gay pickle, last time I checked, I was talking to Tenten not you so save it, get gone and shut up!!"  Neji snapped back.

Turning back to her, he said: "Look Tenten, I'm your teammate and you shouldn't keep things from me. How would you feel if you found out that I have a girlfriend, would you be happy?!"
"No, but......" Tenten started
"Look, never do that again, OK?!" Neji snapped
"Stop shouting at her, she didn't mean for this to happen OK?!" Tenji shouted.
"And how would you know, Tenji?!" Neji asked angrily.

'Knock knock.'

Silence fell upon them.

"Neji-kun, Gai sensei said that it's your turn to fight now." Lee said meekly.

He stormed to the door and opened it, but before he left he looked at Tenten in the face and said the words that broke her heart into a million pieces.

"I don't think I can trust you anymore."

Then he banged the door.

Tenten was heartbroken while Tenji was furious.

"What is wrong with him?!"
"Tenji, it's alright."
"No it's not alright Tenten! How can that usuratonkachi say that about you?!!!"
"I just need to rest. I feel tired."
"OK. Are you sure you'll be fine on your own.?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine."
"Ja ne.*"

When Tenji goes back, he sees that Neji's opponent was Hinata.

"A family battle?!" He asked no one in particular.
"Yeah, but maybe Hinata might win."  Lee says.

'I doubt that. I'm not saying that she's weak but dad is stronger than her now.'

[A/N: You all how the fight goes. I apologize, I haven't watched the anime yet.]

"What is wrong with you, dattebayo?!"  Naruto asked angrily.
"This is none of your business, Naruto."  Neji responded rather calmly.
"Stop this now!!!!"  Tenji shouted.
"Why do you care?!"  Neji asked.
"But....."  Naruto started to say.
"Naruto, if I were you, I'll shut up!"  Neji snapped.
"SHUT UP NEJI!!!!"  Tenji shouted.

They all looked at him. And by 'they', I meant everyone in the arena. And Tenten already left the ward and watched silently.

"Just because you hate little Hina doesn't mean you should kill her!! You guys are family!!!!!"

Neji sees Tenten and walks away. [*cough* Hyuga Pride *cough*]

"I hope someone changes Neji's way."  She said.
"I agree."  Tenji responded.
"He's gonna get burnt in the heat of revange."  Lee shouted.

They both sweatdropped and gave him deadpanned looks.

"It's 'revenge', and it's best served cold."  Tenji corrected.
"But it can be reheated in the microwave of youth!!"  Lee shouted.

They both facepalm.


Hey guys, I'm not dead. Just back to school. What a drag😒😒😒😒

Anywhoooo, plz comment, vote and share. 🤗🤗🤗🤗

I don't do disclamers. I'm sure we all know who owns Naruto, even though 'The Person', *cough* Mashashi Kishimoto *cough* made Neji die. 😠😠😠😠

Anyways, till next time. Ja ne. 🤗🤗🤗🤗

*Ja ne - See you later.

BTW, my birthday is on the 12th of October. I'll soon be 16🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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