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"Ano, w-where w-will Tenji-kun s-sleep?"

At that moment, no one knew what to do, not even the prodigies, Neji and Sasuke.

"It's okay, I'll stay with ma-Tenten, I'll stay with Tenten."
"YOU WILL NOT!!!!!!!!" Neji screamed.
"Then who will I sleep with?"
"You can stay in the Hyuga Compound with Hinata and Neji" Shikamaru responded lazily.
"Oh, okay then." Tenji answered back.

'Hold up! Doesn't Grandpa Hiashi stay there? And he doesn't know me, he hates Dad and Aunt Hinata!!!!'

"On second thought, I'll pass." Tenji said nervously.

They all sweatdropped.

"Listen here Tenji, we would have let you stay with us but we all have crowded homes and some of us like our personal space, and the only two options you have are the Hyuga Compound and Lee's house, and I'm sure you don't want to stay at Lee's house, do you?" Sasuke said.

They all looked at him in awe.

"Teme, that's the highest number of words you've said, you're changing!!!!!!!!" Naruto shouted.
"Hn, dobe."
"And he's back." Kiba said.

'I most certainly will not sleep in Uncle Lee's house, I need my beauty sleep for my hair, I mean, it doesn't look like this on its own."

"Fine, I'll stay at the Hyuga Compound."
"Then let's go, we have to train for the Chunnin exams coming up." Neji snapped.
"Whatever you usuratonkachi."
"Stop calling me an usuratonkachi!!!!!!!!!"

They reached the Hyuga Compound and Tenji's saving grace was that Hiashi had a mission.

Fortunately for him, he saw a room that was so neat and he immediately jumped on the bed.

"Now this is what I call a room."

Unfortunately for him, it was Neji's room.

"Fuck off from my bed you moron!!!! You just stained my pristine white sheets!!!!!!"
"Aw come on, sharing is caring, and besides, you're the only Hyuga male I know."
"No, I refuse!!!!!!!"

Then a light bulb went off in Tenji's head.

"Okay then, you won't mind if I stay with Hinata......"
"Fine, you can stay here, but get your sandals off my bed!!!!"
"Now you're talking!!!!!"

He then gave Neji a cheeky grin.

Then he saw some photos.

"What's this?" he said, reaching out for one.
"It's a photo of me and someone I met when I was younger." And Neji facial expression softened, which surprised Tenji.

But what surprised him even more was that it was Tenten in the photo with Neji.

Then Tenji's head started pounding.

Then he fainted.

[A/N: I'll start writing in italics because he had a flashback]

When he woke up everywhere was white.

'Snow? What happened?!'

Then he saw some children run through him.

"Oh, I'm now a phantom, they can't see or hear me. This is interesting."

Then he saw three kids at a corner. Getting close, he saw Tenten.

"Those jerks, what are they doing to mom?!" He shouted.
"Look at her, she thinks she's so cute with the buns on her head." Boy 1 said.
"You can't even do any jutsu, you're so weak!" Boy 2 said.

The Reason Why Mom Loves Dad [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now