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Next day.

Both athy and Lucas are sitting in classroom today both of them are bored.

Today there is no fun class for them.

"Lucas today in break let's go to meet Jennette" Athy said.

"You go I am not interested" Lucas said.

"Lucas after break there is history class, do you want to attend it". Athy said.

" Fine.... " Lucas said.

For both of them history is most boring class.

Athy take Luca hand and drag him with her and said "let's go".

They both went to section B  building.
Section B building is little bit different from section A building. Both the building look same from outside but they are different from inside. Section A building students have their lockers outside of the class and section B building students have their lockers inside the classroom. Section B building is more decorated all the classroom are decorated and outside of the classroom noticed board are also decorated. And in section A building is simple and classy classroom are simple only study related stuff in classroom.

" Do you know in which class she is" Lucas ask.

"No but I will find out" Athy reply.

"And how will you do that? " Lucas ask.

"By going into all the rooms it is simple" Athy reply.

And drag Lucas with her.

Athy is going in hall where she saw Izekiel going towards a class she call and stop him.

"Izekiel wait...." Athy shouted.

Izekiel  was going in his class when he head his name like someone is shouting. He turn his head and saw Athy is calling for him.

"What do you want princess?" Izekiel ask.

"Do you know which is Jennette class? " Athy ask.

"Yes I know princess" Izekiel reply.

"Then take us there" Athy said.

Izekiel take them to the classroom.

As they enter inside the classroom. Jennette is sitting between five girls and three boys. They all are surrounding her.

"Jennette" Athy call her and go towards her.

"Hi Athy what are you doing here" Jennette ask.

"Nothing I just want to meet you....and your friends" Athy said with smile.

"Ok let me introduced you to all my friends but first introduced us to the boy who is with you" Jennette said.

"Oh.. This is Lucas my friend and bench made I drag him with me" Athy said.

" Hi "Lucas said to everyone.

"This is Rose, Sabrina, Mary, Angela, Amy" she said while pointing towards girls one by one.

"And this is Ben, Roy, Mario and you already know Izekiel" Jennette said while pointing towards boys.

"Jennette this is your free period" Athy ask.

"Yes why? " Jennette ask.

"Let's go to ground and play then" Athy said.

"No we can't go outside except for lunch and you should also go to your class" Jennette said.

"Why can't you go outside and we are skipping this class" Athy said.

"Why are you skipping class" Jennette said.

"Because it is history class and it is very boring" Athy said.

"You are having history class in 1st class" Jennette friend Rose ask.

"Yes " Athy reply.

All of Jennette friends are shocked.

"Why all of you are shocked" Lucas ask.

"Because we have history class in 4 th class" Ben reply.

"Oh.. " Lucas said.

" Mam is coming I think you guys should go" Amy said.

"Ok we are going.... Bye everyone it was nice to meet you" Athy said.

"Bye everyone" Lucas said.

"Bye " Everyone reply.

Both Athy and Lucas went out of the class and go to their section building.

"They all were shocked when we go there don't you think so" Athy said.

"Yes and when you said about history they see us like we are alien" Lucas said.

"Yes you are right" Athy said.
And they both laugh.

"Now I think we have to do the class" Athy said.

"First do our lunch then I will think about class" Lucas said.

"Ok" Athy said.

They both went to their classroom.

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