Chapter One

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"You know what you have to do?" my mother says sternly and I bow my head. Yes, I know what I have to do... but do I want to do it? No.

"Yes mother," I whisper. I am eighteen years old and am being forced into marrying someone whom I have never met. As I look up my eyes meet with one of the guards. Specifically Easton Jesper.

His golden hair frames his face, his icy blue eyes that had captivated me from the moment I first saw him. Easton wears a solemn expression and my heart breaks. He begins to walk over to us and my mother excuses herself.

"You're really going to do it?" Easton's voice breaks and I can't help the tears that well in my eyes. I am leaving the man I love to go marry a stranger.

"I don't have a choice but... I love you Easton and I always will," I profess and clasp my hand around his. He pulls his hand away and the rejection stings.

"You do have a choice. You had a choice whether to accept that stupid bargain of your father's or not," he spits and I know that his anger is just getting the best of him. He's just angry and he has every right to be.

"I agreed before I ever knew what he was going to propose," I explain and my heart aches. Every time I talk about the bargain it feels as though I am back in that room and reliving the whole thing all over again. Reliving the pain and the loss of my father.

Easton shakes his head and looks down. "I can't lose you, Nova," he says, defeat evident in his voice.

"You're not going to... I promise," I explain. I may be marrying the King of the Acheron court but that does not mean that I will be in any form of a relationship with him.

Darian can go on and live his life and I will live mine.

"Nova it is time my dear," my mother says from across the other side of the room. Her soft voice reverberates throughout the hall.

"I shall be accompanying you," Easton speaks up and I furrow my brows.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-shout.

"Sir, I'm sure I will be more useful to the Amour's than I will be standing around here," Easton ignores me and turns towards the Captain of the guard - Francis Egor.

Francis seems to contemplate it for a while before he sighs. "I suppose... you are one of my most favoured men so I know I can trust you," Easton always had been top of the guard, favoured by all.

Easton bows his head towards Francis and his eyes meet mine before a devilish grin takes over his face.

My mother closes the space between us and loops her arm through mine. "Are you ready?" she questions and I try to settle my nerves.

"Yes," I barely managed to get out through my uneven breathing.

"Then let's go," she smiles softly, the apples of her cheeks becoming more prominent.

Several guards lead us down the corridor and my legs become more numb by the second. In a matter of hours, I will be facing the King.

The King we have sworn to be rivals to for as long as we can remember. The King I am now being forced into marrying.

I try to focus on the paintings on the walls, the wondrous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the gorgeous rouge rugs lined along the floors in a fancy manner.

The distraction calms me by a margin.

We reach the palace doors and the maids open them for us, smiling brightly as we pass. "Thank you," I say and they bow their heads.

I always try to thank them as much as I can for their hard work. It doesn't get recognised enough how much they do for us all.

The scorching sun beams down on us, shining down on me like a warm hug and I breathe in the familiar summer air.

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