Chapter Ten

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I try to slow my heavy breathing but the panic coursing through me is too much to handle. I just about make out the shape of a staircase leading downwards and I find it to be the safest route to take.

I keep my footsteps light as I descend the stairs, with each step the darkness only thickens and the feeling that I am trying to physically wade through it only increases with every breath. Another crash sounds and I freeze, ceasing all motion to not draw any attention to myself.

Once the silence resumes, I continue my descent. After following the steps for a rather long array of time and the silence continues to loom around me - I figure that I am most likely alone now.

I open the palm of my hands and take a deep breath... the small glow aluminates the old stacks of books around me and I construe that I am in some kind of restricted area of the library.

Still keeping the same sense of discreetness, I search the area for anything that could be worthy to use as a weapon. I am about to give up until I see a faint reflection of the glow that illuminates my palms. I swiftly walk towards the small table to see a steel paper knife.

The small glow settles and without a second thought, I take it into my hand, the steel cold against my skin. A small gem is placed at the hilt of the knife - it's rather beautiful I must admit.

"Come out, come out wherever you are," a deep voice sings and my chest feels heavy with fear.

My hand is wrapped so tightly around the knife that I am sure I am on the verge of indenting the metal. I slip through a gap between two bookcases before the same voice shouts again.

"Oi, you!" the voice bellows and I halt. Mustering up as much confidence I can, I turn around with a big smile on my face.

A very large man stands in the shadows before me - the darkness concealing his features, the stench of him radiating through the place. A large sword is held tightly in the palm of his hand and I use everything in me to keep up the oblivious ruse I have going on.

"Ah... by any chance do you know where the genealogy books are?" I ask casually, the paper knife hidden behind my back. "There are some rather interesting things you can find in those little relics," I keep my smile intact.

"Do I look like a librarian to you," he huffs, stepping closer. I clear my throat and get ready to lunge if he so much as takes one step closer.

"Hm, I wouldn't know," I shrug and he takes that one step closer. "Who are you? I know everyone in this castle and I wouldn't forget a handsome face like yours," I decide on getting into his good graces before he tries to gut me from hip to hip.

"Who are you?" he asks and I just about make out the vile grin tugging at his lips. I swallow the bile rising in my throat and hold myself together.

"Daphne... Brassington of course," I mutter the first names that come to my mind. "I'm offended you don't know who I am," I say with fake disdain and hold my free hand over my heart as if his words had physically pained me.

"Somehow, I don't believe that," his voice drops by an octave and I let out a shuddering breath.

"I can't imagine why not," I say but my voice lacks that confidence it had only moments ago. There's only one way this is going to end and I can only brace myself for impact.

"Why don't you show me what you have behind your back there?" he says, his smile only growing and my heart thunders against my chest so aggressively I'm surprised he is not able to hear it himself.

"I guess you'll have to catch me first," I am off before the man can even comprehend the words that just left my mouth.

I make sure to dive in and around bookcases, leaving my trail messy and hard for the man to track. I thank the heavens for my slender figure as I slip between a tight space - knowing full well the man would not be able to.

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