Chapter Thirty Six

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I had just finished my dinner when Manin had arrived at my chambers to alert me that it was time. I stood and collected my thoughts - bottling them up and pushing them to the back of my mind. I cannot let anything get in the way tonight.

Manin led me to the meeting hall and I stayed by his side the whole time Darian gave a speech about how we will go about this whole thing.

"Everything will be fine and if not... we'll make sure that no harm comes to you," Manin reassures me when Darian finally leaves the stand. I can't help but feel even more worried at his statement.

"Don't worry about me... focus on making sure your court is okay," I say and Manin nods his head. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew that I had been the cause of so many deaths because they tried to save me instead.

"I will still keep an eye on you, m'lady," Manin promises and I roll my eyes. We're back to calling me m'lady again, I see. I hate what Darian's presence does to people, the fear that it causes to reside in people's eyes.

"Enough flirting... let's go," Darian says beside me and grabs my arm - dragging me along with him. I had thought that after our conversation he would stay far away from me but it has only proved to cause him to be even closer than usual.

"What are you doing?" I mutter, trying not to cause a scene in a crowd of people following our lead. Darian keeps his grip tight as everyone marches through the halls behind us and towards the doors.

"Despite your hatred for me... I will not let you get killed," Darian says and keeps his eyes trained ahead. The thought that Darian thinks I hate him pains me more than I can bear. But, it's for the best if he thinks that I hate him - for the both of us.

"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself - I don't need you protecting me," I state. I've had to protect myself many times before without his help... I can do it again.

"I'm not saying otherwise. I know you are very capable but, it would comfort me if I knew you were safe and by my side," Darian says as we reach the doors.

The guards immediately open them and we venture into the night. Everyone's feet crunch against the gravel and I notice Darian cringe at the noise in the corner of my eye. His hand swirls and throws something behind him. The noise is immediately silenced.

"Guess you're useful afterwards," I joke but Darian doesn't seem fazed. Well, it was worth a try. I know that tonight for the most part is going to be trying to avoid Darian but I'm guessing that isn't going to work one bit.

Darian yanks me to the side and begins to walk through a clearing in the woods - everyone else following closely behind, Manin to my left. The forest is especially eerie tonight but I am hoping it is only my paranoia trying to get a rise out of me.

I have no clue how Darian knows where he is going but his eyes are focused ahead, glued on the direction we are going in but also scoping the area for any possible threats.

However, I keep my eyes trained on the floor because I know that if I do not I will end up tripping over something. I notice Darian's hand move lower until it is resting on my elbow but his grip ceases to falter.

"Are you certain tha-" I whisper but Darian cuts me off by squeezing my elbow. I glare at him and the moment I take my eyes off of the floor, I trip but Darian quickly manages to steady me again.

"It's probably better if you don't talk and keep your eyes on the floor," he whispers and I look away from him, returning my eyes to the floor. Gods, this man will be the death of me.

We have been walking for the better part of eternity and my legs are beginning to tire. My nap was very much needed earlier, especially after mine and Darian's discussion of sorts. I immediately push our conversation out of my head - knowing thinking about it will send me into a spiral that I am not ready for tonight.

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