Chapter Eleven

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I follow Manin down the corridor, making sure to keep close to him in case of any surprises. If we've suspected that there was more of them and I only managed to take down one, who's to say that there's still not more lurking in the palace.

"Are you okay? I know my role as a guard doesn't allow me to pry but I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he says quietly and my heart warms in my chest at his concern.

"I wasn't exactly expecting that to happen so the shock is still quite fresh but for the moment yes, I am okay. How are you?" I ask even though I know that I shouldn't. He smiles although he looks away.

"That m'lady is where I draw the line," he chuckles and I smile despite him denying me the information. I take the small laugh as a sign that he's doing okay.

I notice that we pass the usual corridor that leads to my quarters and I furrow my brows. We must be going a different way, that's the only logical explanation. It's when we begin to walk down a corridor that ceases to have an exit that I stop.

"Where are we and why are we here?" I ask hesitantly and look for every way to escape. Only one way is to turn back on myself and run back down the corridor. Manin wouldn't try to hurt me, would he? My mind races with all of the possibilities.

"The King's chambers... he requested for your room to be changed, I presumed you were aware," Manin says, his eyebrows knitted together. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

"Oh yeah, sorry... I'm just a bit paranoid," I shake my head and scold myself for being so erratic. "I didn't want Darian to do this, is there any way that I can just not do this," I laugh nervously and Manin gives me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing that I can do. King's orders are King's orders," he says and I nod my head, trying to mask the disappointment that fills me.

"Yeah, no that's fine... it's fine," I wave my hand haphazardly and try to act casual about the situation even though I am screaming inside.

All I have to do is stay calm and focus all of my time on getting rid of the people who want me dead. However, I have a feeling that there are far more people praying on my demise than I am aware of - making this whole ordeal a lot harder than I was anticipating.

What really has my life come to? How in the world did this end up being my future?

I had envisioned my future consisting of finally convincing my mother that Easton was a viable suitor and that he would be able to rule our court by my side. I had envisioned that I would be happy with the man that I loved and that nothing would be between us.

But, everything seems to be between us. Darian seems to be between us and all of life's problems. Well, my life's problems... Easton deserves someone who could love him fully and wholly - he deserves someone better than me.

I'd known it from the moment I stepped foot in this palace that I was going to have to let go of Easton at one point - for the both of us.

"Manin?" I ask gently and he turns back to face me, his hand on the doorknob. He furrows his brows at my tone but bows his head in acknowledgement.

"Yes, m'lady," he responds and I settle the aching in my chest.

"Could you get me a paper and pen please, I would like to write to someone," I say, making sure to lower my voice in case of any eavesdropping.

"I'm not that Your Majesty would be too h-" Manin begins but I cut him off - having enough of the excuses.

"Just do it," I snap, not meaning to be short with him but my anger getting the best of me yet again. His eyes widen and I immediately feel a surge of regret but recover quickly. I'll get nowhere if I always accept no as an answer.

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