Chapter Four

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I had just gotten in bed and was on the verge of slumber when I hear someone creep into my room. Through the darkness, I reach for the book on my nightstand. It's rather heavy and could somewhat aid me in getting away from whoever this intruder is.

My fingers wrap around the soft leather of the book. I sit upright - ready to lurch the book towards the person. I am stopped in my tracks when I realise who said person is. Easton.

"A book? Seriously, Nova," he whispers through the darkness and I laugh lightly.

"I don't suppose it would be wise for them to give me weapons... a book shall have to suffice," I shrug and he shakes his head. I can't help the smile that lights up my face at the sight of him before me.

Before I know it, I am hurling over the foot of the bed and into his arms. I breathe in his scent and relish in the familiarity of him, of being in his embrace.

"This is a mess," I say against his chest. He brings his hand to my head and smooths my hair in means to comfort me. I hear Easton let out a heavy breath and I know that if he could change the course of events he would have.

"That's one word for it. I can't stand seeing him lugging you around as if you're nothing but something to play with," Easton holds me tighter and I savour the feeling of his arms around me.

"We have to get out," I whisper and hope to the heavens that I don't regret saying it out loud. I pull back so that I can look into those blue eyes of his.

His hands cup my cheeks as he leans his forehead against mine. "And we will," his lips softly brush against mine but it's not enough. I need more.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands roam my waist. I can't help the small moan that escapes my lips as he squeezes my hips - my body setting on fire from his touch. As long as he is here with me, I can get through this.

My fingers tangle into the roots of his soft blonde hair and I tug lightly, eliciting a groan from him. Easton's hands move around to my back and he begins to unzip my dress. I pull away and stare into his eyes as the dress pools at my feet, baring my body to him.

The intricate lace of my undergarments is more beautiful than I care to admit. I watch as his eyes roam me. I unbutton his shirt and see it float towards the floor.

My hands wander over his toned torso as his lips press against my neck. "I need you, Nova," he says breathlessly against my neck and I nod my head - unable to form a coherent sentence due to the pleasure coursing through my veins.

We are stopped in our tracks when a faint rumbling can be heard. Easton quickly pulls away and wraps his arms around my waist.

"What is that?" Easton whispers as the rumbling only intensifies. I quickly grab a blanket from the Ottoman and wrap it around my body. The temperature in the room seems to deplete entirely and my breath clouds in front of me.

"I don't know," I say, utter disbelief clear as day in my voice. The room seems to shake violently and I latch onto Easton for dear life. A loud bang resonates through the room and a shudder runs through me.

My eyes screw shut as I try to seek warmth from Easton. The breath is knocked out of me when I hear the low and raspy voice.

"What's going on here then," Darian laughs but it's not a laugh full of joy... no it's a laugh full of nothing but venom. I refuse to open my eyes. I am silently praying that if I keep them closed he will just magically disappear.

"It's not what it looks like," Easton says and I wince at his choice of words. I slowly open my eyes and I see those red hues boring into me.

"It's not what it looks like?" Darian laughs and the sound sends a shiver down my spine. "It's funny because it looked like you was trying to take something very, very valuable of mine," those red eyes flicker to Easton.

"It was my fault, I asked him to come here," I blurt out and Darian scoffs before running a hand through his thick black hair.

"I find that hard to believe," Darian spits. If looks could kill... I don't even want to acknowledge the situation Easton would be in. "You'll be taught not to touch what's mine," Darian smiles and my heart stops completely in my chest.

"You will do no such thing," I profess and Darian's stare meets mine, a look of nothing but pure evil glinting in his eyes.

"I'd love to see you try," he smirks and snaps his finger. At his disposal, a sea of thundering footsteps can be heard caressing the marble floors just down the hallway. Every step getting closer.

I quickly turn to Easton. "Remember what I said," he says and touches his lips to my forehead before the guards burst into the room.

We will, he had told me. We will get out.

"Get your filthy hands o-" I shout but am suddenly cut off. Words can't seem to form in my mouth, I can't seem to utter a simple word. I touch my hand to my throat as the other is still tightly fisted around the blanket concealing my body.

I watch as the guards haul Easton out of the room - taking him god knows where. I will never forget the look of longing he stained into my memories as he took one last glance my way.

My eyes snap to Darian and I see the darkness swirling around his fingertips. The sight almost brings tears to my eyes. I am so done with all of this.

In my pure rage, I use my free hand to grab the lamp and launch it his way. The darkness magnifies and seems to engulf the lamp before it disappears completely. He releases his hold on me and it feels like I can finally breathe again.

"You callous m-" he cuts me off yet again but with his own voice this time.

"Save me your words... if you want to paint me as the villain you do that but we have an agreement here," Darian points an accusing finger my way. "I'll leave you to think about that," he huffs and stalks towards the door.

"Not much of an agreement when I am practically held hostage in here," I spit and he halts.

"It wouldn't have to be this way if I wasn't worried you'd be running off with your little boyfriend. Obviously, you proved me to be correct... I can't trust you," and with that he swiftly leaves, slamming the door behind him.

I sink to my knees and bury my face in my hands. How did things get so messy... how did my mother leave me here? She heard the rumours, she heard what people had said about the Acheron court. She knew. Yet she still sent me here, sent me here to marry him.

I knew things would question moral here but if I had known the extent of Darian Acheron... I would have said to hell with my father's bargain.

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