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About year after their graduation lily potter got pregnant. That wasn't much of a problem since she didn't go on raids, she just helped with the planning, and on 31st July 1980 Grace Celeste Potter was born. Grace potter was a quiet child. She never cried. Even tom riddle had taken a liking to her because she wasn't an annoying baby.

One day, when all of the inner circle were sitting in the throne room Tom had Grace or as he liked to call her Celeste sitting on his lap and when he looked into her eyes, both of their eyes shined a bright golden colour for about 10 seconds indicating that they both were soul bound or as they say these days 'soul mates'. All the death eaters looked up at them both in shock and even Tom Riddle himself let his cold facade drop.

Lily and James were incredibly happy that their daughter was soul bound to their lord. A few days later severus told them about how he had heard sybil trelawney make a prophecy in the pub. Everyone, however, knew that it was fake and that Albus was just fishing for attention but at the same time they also knew that Albus was going to attack Lily and James because of the fact that their child was born on the end of july. The old coot had a plan. James and lily immediately went into hiding after hearing that and chose peter pettigrew as their secret keeper. Only a few weeks after the fidelius charm was placed peter broke it and told dumbledore where they were hiding. Dumbledore killed lily and james and then when he placed a cursed scar on little grace's face using dark magic. He then proceeded to take her to the dursley's without telling her godfather sirius.

When Albus left her at the doorstep a beautiful woman came out from behind the tree and took tbe child in her own hands.

"Oh dearie. I knew he was up to no good but i didn't expect the fool to leave one of my most powerful children with muggles i can't even imagine how much damage that would do to the poor little girl's core! I'm not going to let him get away with this."

Yes, you have guessed correctly this 'lady' is indeed lady hecate, the godess of magic. With one flick of her wrist they were back in time, more specifically the founders era.

For about 10 years Grace stayed with the founders. They taught her everything she needed to know in order to fight dumbledore and make the wizarding world a better place for people with dark cores. When she was four she was blood adopted by lady hecate and the founders except salazar. She was given the title of heir hogwarts. She was taught how to use weapons by Godric. Salazar taught her potions, parselmagic, the dark arts and defence against the dark arts. Rowena taught her arithmancy, transfiguration, spell crafting, history of magic, astronomy and different languages like olde english, latin, german, arabic, french etc. Helga taught her Herbology, divination, charms and care of magical creatures. Lady magic ㅡ hecate ㅡ taught her Alchemy, Ancient studies, Ancient runes and a form of apparition that didn't make you nauseous.

When she was 10 it was finally time for her to return to her time and to put all their plans into actions. She didn't know about her soul bond with tom and the founders, lady hecate decided to keep it that way. While she was away for 10 years lady hecate made a clone of her and placed it with the dursley's. So now she was going to stay there for about half a year before she got her hogwarts letter.

She hugged the Founders one last time before turning around one last time her head held up high. Ready to face any challenges that the Fates or the old fool Dumbledore may throw her way.

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