Chapter 5 |new soldier|

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12 years later....

Udo's POV

I was sleeping peacefully...when I heard someone throw something at my window jolting me up.

"Who is throwing stuff at my window...." I said quietly as I rubbed my eyes putting on my glasses.

I got out of bed and walked to the window when I opened I saw a rock heading straight to my face.

I quickly dogged it and looked down to see my friends....

"Udo! Get your lazy ass up, we have training today!" I heard gabi yell.

I saw falco and zofia with her....falco waved at me and zofia just smiled.

I yawn "alright I'll be down there in a sec!"

Gabi smiles and I walk away from my window putting on my training gear....I open my drawer and it showed a dirty cravat from when I had as a baby....

I smile to myself and gently picked up hugging it closely....I miss you mom and dad....I'm glad you served our country well....

I put the cravat back in the drawer and ran downstairs to see my foster dad making coffee.

"Off to training?" He asked

I nod "yep!"

He grins "just remember we have another session tonight"

I nod "I'll come home early"

He waves me goodbye and I run outside and see gabi and all them waiting.

"Took you long enough..." gabi sighs.

I smile "sorry"

Falco smiles "I heard Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie are coming home soon!"

I smile "really?"

Gabi nods "yup"

We began walking to the training grounds.

"That's would be good to see them again..."

"It's been 5 years right?....since you've seen Annie?" Zofia asks.

I nod "yep...I still remember the day they all left..."


"Do you have to go!?" I cried seeing Annie about to leave.

She smiles and walks over to me "I'll be back udo....I promise I'll come back"

I look down "you have to....your my only sister"

She ruffles my hair "I know, and I will come back"

I look up at her "be careful!"

She grins "I will..."

I stayed quiet and she sighs

"Take care of pa for me alright?"

I nod "ok..."

"Bye udo..."

"Bye Annie.."

She starts to walk away I was 7 when I saw Annie leave....

She has to come back....I know she will...

End of flashback

I grin "it's been 5 years since they left...I know they will come back"

My friends smile "yeah..."

When we arrived to training grounds we saw Pieck, Porco and zeke talking to each other....

"Hey everyone!" Gabi yelled getting their attention.

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