chapter 12 |time inside the walls|

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Udos POV

A few days go by and it has been terrible....we mostly have been cleaning and as always the scouts still give us dirty scowls....can't blame them.

But it doesn't matter because this all for show....


"You want us to gain their trust?" Gabi said.

I nod "yes because if we do that then when Reiner and everyone else does come we can get Annie and go and at the same time hitting the scouts where it hurts"

Falco sighs "I don't know Udo....they are being pretty friendly"

"Don't fall for it falco.... remember what they have done to us?"

He nods "I guess your right...."

I nod " everyone remember to play it safe...."

We all nod....

Since then everyone has been pretty normal....

"Hey Udo!" I turn to see hanji Walking my direction and placing her arm around me.

"Is clean freak making you guys clean again?"

I nod "y-yeah..."

She sighs "he never changes..."

"I heard that!" I turn to see Levi walking over to us.

"Its not my fault you are a complete slob four eyes"

She shrugs "it has its perks"

"Nasty perks...."

She laughs "well just don't overwork the kiddos, ok?"

Levi rolls his eyes "and you try not to kill them with your weird expiraments"

She laughs again " I won't I promise"

Levi tchs and walks away, hanji smiles at me " don't overwork yourself ok"

I nod and she leaves and I sigh....they are certainly a strange duo.

"Hey udo!"

I turn and see zofia walking up to me.

"Hey, what's up?"

She sighs "gabi and falco got into it with some of the scouts because someone poured water on gabi and well...."

I sigh "what did she do...."

"Well technically it was falco who charged at the man first but then gabi helped him....if it wasn't for Eren they could have been in huge trouble...."


She nods "he broke up the fight and him in his friends dealt with the situation and I think her name is Sasha, is with them currently"

I nod "ok then just don't let levi know or we will have to do more cleaning...."

"Too late" levi walked up to us with an annoyed face....

"Get back to work you brats, stop standing around your wasting time when you could have been cleaning" he said walking by us.

"Y-yes sir" me and zofia said.

He stops and turns around "and udo, hanji wants you to go into town with her to help pick up some equipment for her new inventions"

I nod "ok sir"

He continues walking away and I sigh "I'll see you later"

Zofia nods and walks away to finish her cleaning....

I walk to my room and take off my cleaning gear then went to hanjis room and knocked.

She opens the door and smiles brightly "ah so levi did tell you, perfect!"

I nod and she walks out of her room and looks at me "well come on now"

I nod and I continue to follow her....I haven't necessarily been into town since....well....when we attacked.

We walked outside and I looked around and saw people glaring at us and mumbling rude things....

"Go to hell you stupid scouts!" A man yelled and hanji just sighed keeping a smile on her face....

"You didn't have to bring me...."

She hits my shoulder playfully "don't worry about it, it's not only you....really"

I look down and people kept saying more and more harmful things at us....

"The scouts have been hated for a long time udo...."

I looked at her and she had a more stern expression on...

"When we came back from expeditions it was always full of hate from the people because they thought we weren't learning anything new and was just a waste of money and time...."

These people didn't even respect their soldiers?


She nods "yeah....the days still haunt me when we would leave with 200 soldiers and come back with only 70 left...."


She nods "udo I don't think you quite understand how things were back in the day....we finally thought we had our freedom back from those cruel beasts seems we have a long way to go...."

I only stayed quiet....I never really understood how things were back then....maybe I could try to understand.....

"What was it like...."

"Huh?" She looked at me.

"The titans....what was it like on the expeditions...."

Her face turned grim "gruesome....disturbing....and depressing....there isn't a day that goes by where I keep thinking how I let all my comrades down when they wanted to return home but only ended up as Titan food...."

I saw the titans in action before but....I never was in the enemy's point of view before.....

She laughs softly "sorry for telling you such grim stories, what is it like where you live?"

I guess I could tell her...

"'s a little more modern than here...."

She looks at me and smiles "really!?"

I nod "yeah?"

"I wonder what cool inventions they have there....." she smiles.

"Do you like inventing things?"

She nods "I'm mostly a researcher because I've spent my whole time in the scouts researching about titans and at the same time helping the scouts create new equipment for taking out and capturing titans"

I nod "that's interesting...."

She grins wildly "you really think so!?"

I laugh nervously "If you think about yeah"

She smiles "I'm glad you find my work interesting udo"

I nod "yeah...."

We arrived at a shop and hanji started talking to the man and I just stood around waiting....

It's only been a few days here and I've already noticed how different it is compared to being at home....but I can't get attached....I'm just seeking information from them

Nothing else....

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