Chapter 23 |regrets|

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Levi's POV

It's been a few days since Annie's release and so far she has been slowly trying to reconnect with the others....but it's hard since pretty much everyone in the scouts still hate her guts....

I watched her play with Udo and the other kids, they seem to be her only friend.

I look down at my desk and see a drawing of me and my past squad I remember when Hanji had moblit personally draw that for me....I frown and pick up the drawing shoving it into my drawer....I feel like I'm betraying them by keeping Annie alive....but I don't have a choice....

I heard my door open and I glance back to see Hanji at the doorway.

"Ah there you are" she smiles

She walked up to me and looked at the window "being a stalker now are we"

I tch "shut up four eyes"

She laughs "I'm kidding, I'm kidding"

I watched as Annie grabbed Udo and he started laughing it looked like they were playing tag....the DNA tests came back positive that Udo was out real son....When Hanji saw the results ,she started crying tears of joy....she wasn't sure he was our son but just had a gut feeling...when results came back she was overjoyed and so was I.

"You're awfully quiet right now"

I turn and see Hanji smiling at me and I sigh "I'm always should know that better than anyone"

"I know, but you are more quiet than usual....what going on?"

I sigh "I'm just feeling different kinds of emotions right now"

She sighs and looks out the window "is it about Annie"

I stayed quiet and I felt her grab my hand.

"I know Levi....I know how hard it is for you right now to see her walking around like nothing happened....especially after what she did"

I held Hanjis hand tightly "I feel like I'm betraying them Hanji....I'm beginning to question if we are really making the right decision...."

She looks at me "I believe we are"

My eyes widened a bit and she continued.

"I've watched hundreds of my comrades get eaten whole by titans....everytime I think about it I feel sick to the stomach....I've lost family and friends to this war....and sometimes I began to question Erwin and commander shadies choices in battle....was it really worth it to loose hundreds of soldiers lives just to get one step closer to freedom for humanity? cruel as it is, everyone's lives that were lost on expeditions did not go to waste....that's part of the reason why I became a titan researcher.....was so I could learn more about the titans to help prevent so many casualties....sometimes it takes sacrifices to gain what we need most...."

I saw a tear fall down her cheek....and I looked down she was right....some sacrifices were needed to help get freedom for humanity.

She sighs wiping away her tear "sorry heh, I
Got a little carried away there" she tries to muster out a laugh.

I pull her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek as she quietly weeped....I wasn't the only who was affected by Annie's massacre....She feels guilty for the majority of the deaths of the soldiers who helped lead Annie into a trap....just to watch her easily escape....

After hugging her for a bit I let go and I helped wipe her tears away "I hate it when you cry" I gently caressed her cheek.

She laughs softly "sorry...can't control it sometimes"

I kissed her passionately and she returned the kiss just as passionately.

I caress her cheek "I'm glad I have you by my side Hanji....I may have lost my old squad but I still have you..."

I hug her tightly again "and I will always make sure you stay with me"

She looks at me and smiles "thank you levi..."

She looks out the window and we see Udo smiling brought a smile to Hanjis lips.

She sighs "it's like you said Levi....we can't keep holding onto the past"

I look out the window as well and sigh "you're right Hanji....if we do it...the guilt from the past will consume us whole"

She looks at me and I kiss her again.

"I love you Hanji...."

She runs her fingers through my hair "I love you too levi"

Our heads touched together....nothing can ruin this moment.

There was then a banging on my door....I spoke too soon.

"What is it!" I growled.

"Captain Levi, and section commander Hanji, commander Erwin requests your presence immediately on the roof top"

I look at Hanji and she nods as we walk to the door and open to see the cadet saluting.

I nod "thank you, dismissed"

The cadet nods and jogs away as me and Hanji made it up to the roof.

When we got to the top I saw commander pixis standing next to Erwin with binoculars.

"What's going on?" Hanji asked as we approached them.

Erwin turned around "we are being attacked"

My eyes widened as Erwin handed me the binoculars.

I used them and looked at the wall....there was many flares that were shot in the air on top of the mall meaning....wall Maria has fallen and the attackers are on their way to wall rose.

I gave the binoculars to Hanji as I looked at Erwin "what's our plan?"

"Pixis is going to gather as many garrison soldiers as he can to help prevent the intruders from getting passed wall rose" he said sternly.

"And as for the scouts?"

"We are going to rush full on and stop them from proceeding any further, I think we both know titans are not the ones attacking us"

I frown looks like it's finally time to face the Marlyans again....this time to end it once and for all.

"Uh guys we have another problem"

"What is it Hanji?" Erwin asked.

"Are threat just got a little worse" She gives me the binoculars.

My eyes widened....there big flying ballon things coming our way....

I hand the binoculars to Erwin as I cussed "this just made things more annoying"

Erwin sighs "prepare for battle"

He shoots his flare into the air signaling all the scouts to get ready for battle.

I look down and see Udo staring at me and I simply nod giving him the message that the time has finally come....

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