Chapter 20 |Annie...|

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Levi's POV

I watched Annie continue to fight eren....My plan was to have eren stabilize Annie the best we could and have Udo calm her was risky and I don't like the idea of putting my son in danger like this....but I believe in him.

I looked at Udo who just stared in shock as Annie continued her rampage in the town....

I pat his shoulder "hey kid....she'll be alright let's just go with the plan"

He nods and I watch as eren got an opening so I shot my odm gear to his shoulder.

"Oi eren!"

He turned my direction "I need you to hold down Annie the best you can!, me and Udo are going to attempt to calm her down!"

Eren nods as Annie attacked him again but I swiftly unhooked off of eren and returned to Udo.

"Be ready kid"

He nods as I grab hold of soon as eren gives us that opening we need to go....

We watched eren do a move to immobilize Annie then he launched onto her locking his body on hers that kept her body from moving.

"Alright this is our window!"

Udo held onto me tightly as we launched ourselves to the titans.

Annie continued to squirm but once she tired herself out we landed on her head.

"Annie! It's me Udo!"

Annie stopped squirming and looked at Udo wide eyed.

"Please stop this Annie! They are good people I promise!"

Her eyes trailed me and she glared at me....Udo looked at me then back at Annie.

"He's good! I promise! Please just stop this and I'll explain everything!"

She looked back at Udo and her expression changed....she sighed then I saw steam coming from the nape of her neck....good job Udo.

Eren lets go of Annie's titan before I saw steam coming from his nape too.

Some of the scouts went to retrieve eren as I took Udo to the ground before launching myself to get Annie.

I reached her nape and she didn't make eye contact with me...just utter silence.

"You better be telling Udo the truth..." she spoke before I pulled her out and took her to the ground.

We got to the ground and her and Udo just stared at must have been a long time since they seen eachother.

Udos POV

I saw Annie land on the ground and my eyes widened....she was right there....alive.


She looked at me and smiled "hey Udo..."

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.....I missed her so much....

"I didn't think I would ever see you again...."

She laughed softly "I'm sorry to worry you Udo...."

I look at her "mr leonhart is really worried too!"

She frowns "I'm miss him....I'm sorry to worry you both"

I continued to hug her than I saw eren and dad walk up to us.

Annie sighed and looked at me "can we really trust them?"

I nod and I remembered she doesn't know about anything.

"Oi Annie we have to take you in" I saw eren say holding some cuffs.

She frowned and I looked at her and nodded.

She sighs then walks over and eren puts the cuffs on her. I watch them take her to the scouts building.

"Oi come on, don't you want to see Zofia?"

I nod and dad takes me back to moms lab where she was waiting for us to return.

I see Zofia was asleep probably from all the pain she went through.

Mom looks at us and smiles "thank goodness you guys are ok"

Falco ran up to me "Udo what happened?"

"Annie got out of her crystal, and was on a rampage in the town....I helped calm her down and they took her to a room in the scouts headquarters"

Everyone's eyes widened "Annie's awake now?" I nod

"Can we go see her?" Gabi asked.

Dad nods "she's In the room right down the hall, Sasha and Jean should be guarding the door, they'll let you in if you want to go see her"

Gabi and falco run off while I stay back.

"You aren't going with them?" Dad asked.

I shook my head "I wanted to check on Zofia first"

Mom smiles and walks up to me "all the relief from the pain meds caused her to pass out....she just needs to rest"

I nod "thanks mom..."

Her eyes widened a bit from me calling her mom but she just smiled softly and hugged me tightly "you didn't get hurt, right? I was able to check Gabi and falco but you and Levi immediately rushed out before I could properly check you"

I smile "I'm fine, gabi pulled me away from the boulder so I didn't sustain any intense injuries"

She nods "that's good"

I sigh "mom....what's gonna happen to Annie?"

She sighs "I don't depends on how this trial goes...."

"We'll try to get her under the scouts supervision" dad said looking at me.

I frown "and what happens if we don't?"

He doesn't say anything and starts walking out of the room....that only meant she was going to be killed.

Mom sighs "don't worry Udo...we'll save her"

"Moblit do you think you could stay with Zofia while me and Udo go to the trial?"

Moblit nods, me and mom start to head to the room where Annie was being kept.

I hope this goes well....

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