Chapter 17 |Dream|

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Udos POV


Everything was white....but I heard voices.

"Isn't he adorable...." Mom?

I hear a baby cooing....

"Yes....he is...he looks a lot like you..."

I hear mom and it them?

"He has your eyes....Levi"

Levi? Why is Levi in my the person holding me Hanji?

I see a blurry person looking at me....they are was a woman....Hanji

"He's beautiful...."

I felt someone gently rub my cheek....

What is going on....why are they portraying my parents?

"He's our baby boy Hanji...what should we name him"

I hear Hanji giggle softly "how about James..."

James....who's James?

Dream ends...

I sit up and touched my cheek feeling tears fall...why am I crying?

I look around and see everyone sleeping...

I sigh and lay back down...that....that was a weird dream....

I sigh and stare at the floor...why was Hanji and Levi acting like my parents....

Maybe since I've been here they have been acting like parents to all of us....

I moved all my thoughts away and tried to sleep again hoping to have a different dream.

Levi's POV

Later in the day

Today is cleaning day and unfortunately the day me and Hanji lost James....

As much as it sounds bad I try to take my mind off him on this day....I miss him and failed him as a father....

Cleaning is the only way to clear my mind, Hanji is sleeping....probably for the best.

I look around to see if the brats cleaned their rooms properly.

I reached the kids room and it was a mess...

I tch and began picking everything up and putting it back properly and making the bed properly as well.

While I was fixing udos bed I picked up the sheet then something fell...looked like a looked like it wasn't washed for years....disgusting.

I pick up the cloth and my eyes can't be...

It was my cravat....the one I gave James so long ago....I recognize it because it belonged to my mother before it I gave it to him....

Why does he have this....more importantly how did he get this...

I clench on the cravat and leave the room....Hanji needs to know about this.

I walk to our room and open the door and closed it locking it.

She was passed out and I started shaking her awake.

She started slapping my hands away getting annoyed.

"What the hell levi! It's so early"

"It's the afternoon...Hanji"

She sighs "oh..."

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