A Gift

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Warnings: smut, BDSM relationship

It was the end of the war, and I was in the big room in the Riddle manor. The dark had won, kind of because of me. I had killed Dumbledore, captured Harry, and brought him to the Dark Lord. Right now, he was chained on the ground, at Voldemort's feet, in front of me as I tried to understand why the Dark Lord had called me.

- You wanted to see me, my lord?

- Yes Draco, you helped a lot during the war and because of you, we managed to win, so I wanted to give you a present as a "Thank You."

- It is nothing my lord, I only did what needed to be done.

- Humble too, your father must be proud.

- He is my Lord.

- I have moved you to my right-hand man, I want to take some time off after the war, so you shall be the one guiding my death eaters in my absence.

- Very well my Lord, I will not let you down.

- I know you won't and that is why I am giving another present.

Voldemort stood up and undid the chains that were tying Harry to the ground. He moved in front of me, pulling Harry with him, who stumbled to get up and follow, before handing me the chains and a small key.

- I am giving him to you as your slave, many of the death eaters had requested one, and you shall have Potter as a showing of the great help you provide in the war.

- Thank you my lord.

- You may go now.

I took the chains and nodded, leaving the room, Harry behind me. I couldn't help but notice that he was the farthest possible without pulling on the chains. I got out of the manor and stopped, waiting for Harry to get close enough, so I could grab his arm. Once I could, I appeared to my new manor that my dad bought me not so long ago. When I got home, I let out a breath and walked to the living room, letting myself all on the couch and letting Harry's chain fall in the ground. Harry stayed up, looking at me, waiting for some kind of order. I wondered if Voldemort had given him some lessons on how to act as a proper slave. It had been three months since the end of the war, so it wouldn't be surprising. After two minutes, an owl came into the living room and let a wand fall on my laps. I looked at it curiously before turning to Harry and holding the wand up.

- Is this yours?

Harry nodded.

- Can you do magic?

Harry shook his head and whispered.

- Only if you allow me.

I nodded before standing up and going to Harry. I grabbed the key that Voldemort had given me and undid Harry's chains before pulling him to the centre of the room and walked around him, looking at him for the first time since the end of the war. Harry just stood there, looking down, not meeting my eyes. I noticed how thin Harry was and that he had many cuts and bruises on him, probably from torture or punishment. I shivered at that thought. I didn't like that, even if I sided with Voldemort. After a bit, I stopped and went in front of him, pushing his head up to look at him in the eyes. I was struck by the emptiness of them. They used to be so filled with life and joy. I broke the eye contact and started to walk to the nearest bathroom.

- Follow-me.

Harry followed me and I stopped at the bathroom.

- There, take a shower, I'll have a house elf bring you some new clothes.

Harry nodded and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and called on the elf for some clothes before going upstairs to get a room ready for Harry. When I was done, I went back to the living room, waiting for Harry to come back to me as I supposed he would. Turned out I was right as a few minutes later, Harry stood in front of me. I stood up and grabbed his arm, pulling in the dining room where the dinner was already on the table. I sat down before pointing to the other chair.

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