The Meeting and What Came After

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It took an hour to do everything. We went out and got back to my manor. As soon as we were alone, I rushed to Harry and took the collar off of him.

- I'm so sorry, I was so mean to you, are you okay?

Harry slightly smiled.

- I'm okay, it's part of the deal, remember, you are mean to me in public, but I know it's not true.

I smiled and took out the bags of clothes.

- Alright, go out those in your closet and dress yourself, we'll be leaving then.

Harry nodded and grabbed the bags, disappearing into the house. I looked at the collar on the table and groaned before going to the kitchen for a glass of water. Ten minutes later I felt a hand on my arm. I opened my eyes and looked at Harry. He was dressed entirely in black and it made my heart flip. I had bought him two closets, one for him to wear around the house and a smaller one, a slave one with clothes for him to wear in a slave situation. I groaned as he looked up innocently between his lashes with a not so innocent smirk. He had clearly seen the looks I gave him earlier in those black outfits that fitted him too well.

- By the looks of it, I am more your sex slave than anything, those pants are so tight...

I looked in his eyes and then his smirk that he was giving me. His eyes were sparkling with something that made me happy because he looked alive for the first time in a long moment.

- Maybe I'll have to do that, make you my sex slave, unable to do anything except getting fuck every night by me, with no escape as you belong to me.

I said as I stepped closer to him. Harry hardly shivered at my words and I felt him grow hard, my tight pressed into his groin. I smirked and moved my leg, offering some friction. Harry closed his eyes in a silent moan. I continued to move until he moaned for real.

- Master...

He moaned out and I smirked, only for it to get bigger when Harry slightly whined when I pulled away. I accioed the collar and clipped it on, suddenly way more okay with it.

- Come on, we have a meeting, then, I'll see what I'll do with you.

Harry shivered at my low tone and let himself be pulled into the floo network. I got in Voldemort manor and pulled Harry to the meeting room. He was looking at the floor, cheeks red in a profound blush and I knew the very visible hard on in his pants had something to do with it. I smirked as we got in the meeting room. I sat down and summoned a cushion that I put at my feet. Harry kneeled down on it, peering up to look at me for a split second before looking back down. I crossed my legs and put the tip of my foot on Harry's leg. He stiffened as I slowly moved it up and he slightly whined when I got higher up. I took my foot away, grabbing his chin, gently but firmly.

- Better shut up if you don't want to regret it.

He nodded, looking in my eyes. I let go of his face and turned to the door which had just opened. Harry looked back down and slightly leaned on my chair. I placed my hand on top of his head, in a possessive manner but it was much more a comfort touch for both of us. The death eaters gradually came in and sat down, looking at Harry. I looked down at him, happy to see that nothing was visible in the position he was in. He was mine only to see. I looked back up and took my hand away, folding them in my laps. Once everyone had sat down, I started to talk, moving the attention from Harry to me. The meeting went swiftly for a bit until someone asked the stupidest question ever.

- Is the Potter there for another round of torture?

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Harry shrink in fear, eyes closing. I look straight in the guy's eyes. I spoke slowly and dangerously.

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