A Changing time

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The news had travelled fast and now, everyone knew that the former dark lord was dead. The entire atmosphere had changed and you had to be completely stupid not to see it. The people were more relaxed, there was less tension in the air, everywhere you went. Harry was now allowed to go outside alone. I no longer feared that someone would attack him. So, for the first time in six months, I had sent Harry to do some errands alone. He had left with my card, a bag, a list and a smile on his face that made me happy. He had always been exited to try out new things, no matter what they were so for him, going out alone after so long was like a new thing and he looked like a puppy seeing the world for the first time as he left the house, practically skipping. I had chuckled and closed the door after him before going to my office, getting my papers to go put them in the living room before going to go change. Harry would certainly be gone for the day so I had asked Blaise and Pansy to come over so I could start explaining to them my plan and we could start putting it in action. I just had the time to go back downstairs that some one knocked at the door. I went to open it and smiled as Pansy pulled me into a hug.

- Hello to you too Pansy. And Blaise, of course, nice to see you too.

Blaise chuckled and we went in, going to the living room. We all sat down and I was going to start talking but pansy beat me to it.

- So, where is Potter boy today?

- Don't call him that, his name is Harry

Pansy and Blaise shared a look.

- And he went to run some errands.

- Okay, so what is up with you two?

- What do you mean, nothing is up?

- Oh yeah, sure, no Pansy, nothing is up but I just fuck him every night.

Blaise said, imitating my voice and I huffed.

- Okay, stop that, there is truly nothing going on, we just found a dynamic that work between us and we are happy like that. And we are friends, is that so bad?

- You are so innocent dear, he is your friends, sure, but it is obvious that you like him.

- What are you talking about, I do not like him, stop being delusional.

- Dray, you are my best friend since we were like seven. I know you like him.

- Whatever, it's not like it changes anything.

- And why wouldn't it mate?

- Because it is not like he likes me back or something...

Pansy and Blaise started to laugh and I glared at them.

-This is not funny, stop it.

- Oh sweetie, of course he loves you

- Can we change the subject?

- Alright, come on Pansy, leave the man alone. What did you ask us here today Dray?

I glared at them some more before sighting and pulling out my papers. I started to explain everything to them. We spend the whole day working on my ideas and getting everything ready. Blaise was going to be the new minister of magic. He was well respected by everyone because he was dark enough for the dark side and neutral enough for the rest of the people. Pansy was going to be working in the ministry as well, but she had more like global job and she would make public appearance with me and Blaise. I had a list of people to get out of Azkaban and a list of people who needed to go in. All with reason, of course, some real and some completely made up, but I was in charge so who cared. As for Harry, I still had no idea what to do. I was going to free all slaves, but I didn't want to lose Harry. And, if I was honest, was he really a slave? He acted like that because he wanted too, not because he had too. I would have to talk to him. Pansy and Blaise had left and went to my office, writing letters to get some stuff in place. I was going to have a meeting tomorrow exposing the new rules and the principal ideas. It was fairly simple. Everyone had the same rights, dark, light or creature. Yes, even the creatures. With the help of Pansy I had gotten ready some special stuff for them to be able to live easier like free wolf bane potion for the werewolves, blood banks for the vampires, protected territories for the giants and other stuff like that. It would take some time, of course, to get everything running, but I was an optimist. To come back, I was currently writing several letters to begin all arrangement. Harry was still away, and I was nervous because I didn't expect him to take this long. Which was probably why I was working, to avoid losing my head completely over it. It was seven in the afternoon when I finally heard the door. I had finished my letters and was trying to read in the living room. I put down my book and went to the door. Harry was getting bags in, humming softly. He didn't appear injured or anything. I let out a sight.

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