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When I came back home, the first thing I noticed was the smell in the house. It smelled delicious, which was weird because the house elves didn't make dinner at this time, and it never smelled in the house. I put my bag down and went to the kitchen to see Harry, an apron on, cooking. I frowned.

- What are you doing?

Harry froze and dropped the spoon he had in hand, putting batter all over the floor. He turned to face me, panic on his face before he dropped to his knees with a towel, starting to clean up the floor.

- I'm sorry master, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry...

I went to him and grabbed his chin, making him look up and shutting him up.

- It's fine, just, use your ma.... clean it up and then come in the living room.

- Yes sir.

I sighted and let go of his chin before walking to the living room and sitting on the couch. Five minutes later, Harry was standing in front of me, looking at the floor. I stood up and went behind him, he tensed as my fingers brushed his back when I undid the knot of the apron. I went back to the front and pushed his head up and took off the apron. I set it aside and sat back down and looked to Harry.

- Sit.

He sat down on the end of the couch.

- No, sit here.

I said, pointing to the space next to me. He looked at it before moving to be next to me. I pushed his head up.

- What did I say this morning?

Harry looked at me before whispering.

- That I wasn't to work in the house, I'm so sorry sir, I deserved to be punished.

I froze. What? I then remember everything that I said in the morning, and the situation was a lot clearer.

- First, I won't punish you, second, that was not what I was looking for, third, I said you didn't have to work in the house, I never forbid you too. Just, don't call me sir or master, it's weird. Call me Draco, please.

- Not going to punish me?

- No, not ever.

- But what if I don't follow an order or if I mess up?

- Harry, I don't want a slave. Just, act as my slave in public so no one suspects anything, but in private, I would just like us to be friends.

Harry looked at me lost and I sighted.

- What were you cooking?

- I was doing some pies, one meat and one apple for tonight.

- You can cook?

- Yeah, I cooked for my aunt and uncle since I was seven ... just, forget it, can I go back to the pies?

He looked down as he spoke, tears forming in his eyes.

- Yes, you can.

He stood up and left. I frowned and looked at him left. What did he mean? I sighted and took out a book, starting to read. Harry came back an hour later.

- The pies are ready, you can eat them when you want, I'm not hungry, can I go to bed please?

- Are you sure?

- Yes.

- Then yes

- Thank you.

He left upstairs. I had given up on not acting as his master of something like that. Harry seemed to need some kind of structure like permission to do stuff. I didn't understand why, but if it helped him to get better, I wouldn't dwell on it. I went in the kitchen. The pies looked beautiful. I cut a slice of each and sat down to eat. They were truly delicious. I went upstairs to get to bed two hours later but stopped in front of Harry's room door. I softly knocked on the door and when I had no answer, I carefully opened it, just wanting to make sure he was okay. (A\N: yeah, sure Draco, lie to yourself) I rushed into the room when I saw him whimpering and crying, curled into a ball. I sat on the bed and started to pet his head.

- Hey, shush, it's okay, you are safe, you're okay.

Harry slowly calmed down until he wasn't whimpering anymore. I looked at him with a soft smile and continued to pet his head, trying to get him to stop crying. After like, five minutes, he had calmed down, and I thought it was going to be okay until he jerked awake with panic. It got worse when he saw me, and he went back to the corner of the bed, curling on himself, as to protect himself. I looked at him worried as I noticed he was shaking.

- I'm sorry master, I didn't mean to have a nightmare.

I barely heard him as he whispered very lowly.

- It's okay, do you need to go to the bathroom?

He looked up to me and nodded. I smiled at him.

- Go then, it's okay.

He slowly stood up and went to the bathroom, looking at the floor. I looked at him leave before putting my head in my hands. He was broken, I had never seen him like this before. What in the world did Voldemort do in only three months? I made a mental list of the important things. First, I needed to make sure he wasn't scared to breathe too loud around me. Then, make sure he understood I wasn't going to punish him. Next things would be to get him to stop calling me master and sir but for now, it didn't matter. And last, to get him okay again, like when he was in Hogwarts. I looked up as I heard the door open, and Harry went out of the bathroom. He just stood there, looking down, clearly not expecting me to still be here.

- Come here.

He went to the bed and sat down, still looking at the floor.

- Are you okay?

- Yes.

I raised an eyebrow but decided to let it go.

- Alright, let's go back to bed then, come on.

He nodded and laid back down in his bed without saying a word. I looked at him for a minute before standing up and leaving the room, closing the door behind me. I then went to my room and got in bed.

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