To The Mall

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For the past few weeks L's had us staying at some hotel, as I assume he still has his suspicions about Light or Misa being Kira. It honestly doesn't bother me much considering this just means I get more time to be around Misa, although this would be much easier if she wasn't focussed on Light all the time.

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" You yell just loud enough for them to hear.

"Y/N, Its Matsuda! Ryuzaki said he-" He was quickly cut off as you flung your room door open to greet him.

"Heyyy Matsu~ Its so great to see you," You embraced him in a quick hug, "Is it important? I Kinda had plans to go see Misa Misa..." you said pouting.

"Actually it's about her, Ryuzaki wanted you to escort her to the mall today. He said shes been begging him to go shopping but of course with being under surveillance shes not allowed to go alone." He says, a slight blush remaining on his face from the hug.

"That sounds perfect, tell Ryuzaki we're on our way out now!" You rush to grab your bag and a pair of shoes then slip past Matsuda, running to make your way to Misas room. "BYEEEE~ MATSU!" You yelled before reaching the end of the hallway.

In a matter of seconds you found yourself standing outside of Misas room. Why am I nervous? It's not like I haven't been out with her before? Oh wait... I haven't. BUT THIS ISN'T A DATE OR ANYTHING. Unless-? 😏

You slightly knocked on the door twice before Misa suddenly opened it, wearing her usual black corset dress with black lace thigh highs. You could feel heat rising to your face just at the sight.

"Oh y/n are you going to take me to the mall? Ryuzaki couldn't have picked anyone better, I totally needed your help picking out some sexy lingerie!" She winks, jumping up and down in excitement. Misa quickly grabs your hand and drags you to the elevator. I should definitely thank L for this later.

*Time skip to the mall dressing rooms*

Misa's been in there for a while, maybe I should check on her... "You need some help in there, supermodel?" You tease on the other side of the stall. Waiting for a reply you hear shuffling from inside before the door creaks open slightly, Misa pulls you inside with eyes pleading for help. "I don't know where this strap goes." As you were about to stare at what she was talking about, your eyes couldn't help but wander to her half naked body.

I've never seen Misa this exposed before, but nows not the time to be staring. I don't want to invade her privacy or have her thinking I'm weird. I mean I don't know if she even LIKES girls.

"Uh- why don't you try something more simple? OH- how about this pink one!" You gesture towards a pink lace two piece. (Sorta like the one in the picture but more lingerie like 🧐)

She hummed, contemplating her options. Eventually she took your advice and decided to try it on, stripping completely right in front of you with no shame. Your eyes darted to the ceiling awkwardly waiting for her to get dressed.

"I really hope Light likes this, maybe he'll finally pay attention to me!" She says hopefully, her smile slowly fading.

Ugh Light has no idea what he's missing... unless he just doesn't like women? Maybe he's into L, I mean I did walk in on one of their "foot massage" sessions so I wouldn't be surprised-

Hands flailing in your face broke you from your train of thought, "...y/n! Y/N!" You shift your gaze to the girl below you. "I hope I'm not boring you, does this look sexy enough?" Your eyes slowly look her up and down, taking in the sight of her small frame. The skirt was very short, if she bent over you were sure to get a full view of her ass, when you got to the top piece you noticed it was slightly see-through. Oh yeah it's definitely sexy thats for sure...

Misa Amane x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now