The Unsaid

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It's been a couple days since you and Misa's... interaction. The following morning she left early along with Matsuda to go to that interview, ever since then shes been booked for numerous shoots and you wonder if shes missing you as much as you're missing her.

Working on this case for the past 6 or so months has been incredibly draining and stressful if you're being honest. The main reason you even agreed to working on it was because L reached out to you. You both have known each other since you were kids, growing up in the Whammy household where all you had were each other. For some strange reason opposites truly do attract, Lawliet being reserved and quiet whilst you being the energetic and curious girl you are and deciding to befriend the strange boy. He wasn't quite used to the idea of friendship so you managed to show him what he was missing, he really did appreciate you being there for him. Although at first glance he seems as if he didn't want anyone to bother him, he was actually lonely being stuck in that orphanage for years. Eventually after you both became adults your bond was bound to be broken, you truthfully wanted no involvement in being a detective of any sort no matter how good you were at the job. Unfortunately, Lawliet was very intrigued with the idea of solving cases and decided to pursue that. You never managed to keep in touch considering he had to keep his identity hidden along with constant phone number and location changes. But after years of not hearing from him you were glad he needed you on a case, knowing he had faith in you and still thought of you was enough to convince you to join his little investigation. You figured it wouldn't be too difficult but seeing as he was already working on it for a year and had no luck solving it, you weren't confident for long.

Despite the case being everything you didn't expect (a magic notebook with the power to kill anyone with a name and face) it was still enjoyable because you got to meet both Matsuda and Misa Misa. You are eternally grateful to Lawliet for inviting you to this case, if it werent for him you wouldve never met such a lovely girl. Initially Misa seemed a bit full of herself, like those preppy fake highschool girls. When you began realizing shes just a helpless girl trying her best to upkeep a perfect image while she struggles with the loss of her parents and constant harassment from crazed fans, you couldn't help but to feel sorry for her. Chatting with her occasionally on the case you notice she's always genuine, you can tell her hearts always in the right place wanting nothing but to make everyone around her happy. Shes a sweet girl, she deserves to feel the same happiness and joy she brings to everyone, and thats what you desperately wanted for her. To be happy.

It was after 2 months of working with her when you unintentionally started feeling the need to get closer, whether it was going shopping or taking her out to eat. It never crossed your mind that maybe these feelings were more romantic than friendly, you knew you had an interest in her and you knew she was extremely attractive but it wasn't until Matsuda asked if you were dating that it clicked in your mind. He was just curious and couldn't help but ask, he saw how often you two went out together alone and shyly asked you about it when you and him were working late one night. At 21 years old you would think you knew how to differentiate platonic and romantic relationships, guess not. Some may say you developed feelings pretty quickly but being in close proximity to Misa daily, often supervising her, you were bound to feel something sooner or later.

Little did you know, Miss Amane has fallen head over heels for you. To no surprise she strives to give all her love and affection to those who have helped her, and you taking her out all the time really helped distract her from her job, the investigation, and her unhealthy "relationship" with Light. She truly loved him and to be frank she still does, he was the reason her parents killer was dead, but for obvious reasons she kept this classified from you. She also avoids talking about the death note in general when you are both alone. She does feel guilty after taking many lives, but if shes taking lives of guilty men and giving people closure just as Light did for her- then hopefully it's worth it. She had a big debt to repay to Light and although at times she was unhappy with him, she still felt obligated to do as he says.

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