It's Official

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It was now 11:23 am, you didnt intend to sleep for so long but you were up pretty late afterall. You pulled your blanket off of you noticing you were still in your outfit from last night. Someone mustve brought me up here, huh? You thought to yourself. Then it hit you, the pounding headache as a result of your drinking fiasco from the previous night. You rolled to your side reaching for your phone that was on your nightstand. When you saw that Misa had messaged you, your e/c eyes lit up. Goodnight? Cute.

Miss Amane 🤤🖤

Good morning beautiful 😩
(Read 11:29am)

U decided to sleep in?
Wouldnt u rather be with me 🥰
(Read 11:30am)

U should know the answer
to that 😮‍💨
(Read 11:30am)

hurry over I got a surprise for u
(Read 11:31am)

(Read 11:32am)

Why would i get u scissors
silly, HURRY UP! 💅🏻
(Read 11:34am)

Gotta shower first,
see u soon pretty girl 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
(Read 11:35am)

Bye bye!
(Read 11:35am)

You set your phone back down and took some pills for your hangover before walking to your bathroom, for this place being a hotel its not too shabby. You stripped down and turned on the water to the perfect temperature, waiting for it to warm up before stepping in and doing your usual bathing routine. Once you felt squeaky clean you dried off and put on your favorite scented lotion, brushed your teeth, and picked out an outfit for the day. You were supervising Misa today, so you wanted to look cute but casual. Then finally you styled your hair to your liking and began your short stroll across the hallway to see the one and only, Misa Misa.

By the 2nd knock Misa had opened the door with a huge grin on her face. "Wheres this surprised I heard so much about?" You ask, poking your head past her to search the room. "OOH YOU GOT ME BREAKFAST!?" You shout barging into the room, taking your shoes off and pulling out a chair. There was a platter of many breakfast items such as pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and fruits.
(If you don't eat any of those then you can pretend y/n doesn't either <3)
"I knew you would like it y/n!" Misa said after locking the door and making her way to sit across from you. You both ate your food in a pleasurable silence, just enjoying each others presence.

"Y/n I... want to be honest with you, about my feelings and such." Misa trailed off. "Um sure..." You replied, setting your silverware down and sitting on her bed. She turned towards you, facing you before she continues. "I don't like Light anymore!" She reassured, "I realized he doesn't treat me fairly, and thats not how I want to spend the rest of my life."

"Well that's great, I'm happy for you!" You were glad that she not only was trying to get her life back together, but she was also now mentally available. Which means maybe you can have something more with her, what you've been wanting... for months.

Misa leaped from her chair, pouncing on you in a tight embrace as you fell back on the bed. She could feel the warmth you radiated, this was something she wanted to savor, being close with you.

"It's all thanks to you though." Misa stated.

"Me? I didn't really do anything for you, princess." You replied, tucking your head between her head and shoulder.

Misa Amane x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now