Real Love

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I've been so busy working on the Kira case lately, It's been a good week and a half since I last saw Misa. That shopping trip was kinda awkward, I hope I didn't freak her out or anything. It certainly doesn't help that I haven't been able to see her, what if she thinks I'm avoiding her on purpose?

"Hey L, do you think I could maybe have the day off? Pretty please~" We were currently at the computers doing research and filing papers as per usual, nothing special so I may as well ask.

"Hmm, y/n if I may ask, are you planning to see Misa again?" L asks.

"And if I was...?"

"I see, you must be quite in love with her." He mumbled off to himself.

"So is that a yes?"

"I suppose, and on your way would you mind fetching Light for me? If you wont work someone needs to."

"THANKS L~ see ya!" You give him a quick peck on the cheek before going on your way.

I finally get to see Misa again, I hope shes doing alright and Light better be treating her well! I wonder if he ever got to see her lingerie yet...

You made your way to Light's room but as you got closer you could heard him arguing with someone, quickly you put your ear up to the door hearing the other voice was which was Misa. Luckily the door was unlocked so you flung ig open, revealing Light standing facing the bed where Misa sat. It was hard to read the expression on her face, but Light was clearly annoyed.

"Misa not now! We have much more important things to be focussing on." He scolded. It seems neither of them noticed your appearance. "B-but Light... as your girlfriend don't you think we deserve alone time?" Misa was confused, Light said he loves her but never shows it. "YOU ARE NOT MY GIRLFRI-"

"Hey Light? L needs your help, you should probably go." You butted in.

"What for, I thought it was my day off?"

"Yeah but now its my day off, go." You said sternly.

First Misa and now this, Light was furious, he stormed out of the room pushing past you, Leaving just you and Misa alone together. You walked over to the bed in hopes that you could comfort her. You now noticed that she was wearing the lingerie you picked out for her. Her hands were rested in her lap as she stared at the ground.

"Misa... are you okay?" She does not deserve to be treated this way, at least let her down easy!

She remained silent. You decided it was best to get out of Lights room, as it would be awkward for everyone if he had plans to come back sometime soon. You took Misa's hand to pull her up and lead her to your room. Her room was slightly smaller than yours and completely covered in cameras because of her being a suspect, you figured she would want privacy to cry if she needed and you could be there with her.

*Your Pov*

When I got to my room I quickly unlocked the door, Misa was still in her lingerie and I didn't want anyone to see her like that. We walked inside and I got her a change of clothes, she just stood there looking so... broken. "Misa, here put this on-"

"Y/n, you always take such good care of me. Why?" She says, still staring at the ground.

"Because you're a good person, do you need anything? You can lay down if you would like." I suggested.

She didn't grab the clothes I offered her, instead she walked towards my bed and laid face down. "If he loves me, why does he avoid me?" She asks, the pillow muffling her voice.

"Misa, the way he talks to you isn't loving. You deserve real love." I say, slowing inching closer to the bed.

"Sit." She commands.

Misa Amane x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now