Part three- lets make a deal

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The dragon king stuck his hand out to help you up and as you were back on your feet bakugo told you to follow him. He led you down a hallway and into a throne room. Where his mother was sitting. "We have found this human in the kingdom what should we do with her?" Bakugo asked his mother. His mother started speaking to you. " why are you here human, you should be afraid of us dragons." You tried to stop yourself from shaking and kneeled before her politely and said. " my apologies for introducing it's just I thought it would be amazing to see the dragon kingdom up close, and despite what the other humans say I think that dragons aren't the scary monsters everyone names them to be, I think you are all quite strong and beautiful." The kings mother smiled and asked. "What is your name girl?" " I'm y/n l/n" you say humbly. "You can call me Mitsuki and look y/n I'm going to be straightforward with you , you are the first human I'm intrigued by and personally I think you would be a perfect wife for my hard headed son." She says smiling. " I'm not hard headed you old hag!" Bakugo yells. "Why don't we make a deal?" Mitsuki says to you I'll give you a month if you can fall in love with my son in that time and you both agree to marry one another happily I'll forget you trespassed on dragons land ,you can stay in the palace and move freely so what do you say y/n do we have a deal?" She finished. Your heart felt like it stopped you already thought the dragon king was handsome but you had no idea this was coming. You felt as if this was your best option so you agreed to Mitsuki's deal. As you said "yes I'll do it" you seen bakugo's eyes light up in the corner of your eye. So you believed he liked the idea of you staying in the palace with him." Alright y/n I have hereby permitted you apart of the dragon Kingdom." Mitsuki said. "And also I will be holding a ceremony tonight to let the kingdom know that you will be staying with us. I expect you to attend so if I were you I'd get cleaned up." She said. You then remembered that you had blood all over your face from that guard. "Katsuki make yourself useful and help y/n get cleaned up." Mitsuki said sternly. Bakugo then sighed heavily and said "c'mon follow me little fang." You followed him out of the throne room and into a very large washroom. He picked you up and sat you on the edge of the counter. As he picked you up you felt his strong muscles tightening and flexing. Bakugo wet a washcloth and told you "hold still whelp." He pressed the washcloth against your face gently and he wiped the blood off of your face. You stared right into his eyes again , he looked back at you and muttered "tch why are you looking at me like that?" You looked away and gulped hard. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at you I just think you've got really cute eyes." You say flustered. Bakugo blushed and yells "what did you call me little whelp ,let's get one thing straight I'm cool not cute" You couldn't help but giggle at his seriousness it reminded you of a child. Bakugo blushed a little harder "how dare you a little human giggle at me I'll throw you back in the dungeon." He yelled again. You hopped off the counter and looked at yourself in the big mirror. Your clothes had been splattered with blood and dirt ,your hair was also a big mess. Bakugo came up behind you and ruffled your hair into a bigger mess then smirked. "You look like a hot mess." He said teasing you. You smiled and asked "oh I'm a hot mess thanks." Bakugo realized what he said then talked quickly "w what no I didn't mean it like that stop twisting my words you annoying little whelp, we need to get ready for the stupid ceremony tonight so let's go." He said pulling you out of the washroom. You both walked down a long hallway and into a dress hall. There were many female dragons that looked like they were waiting for you. "Ok they're gonna help you get ready for tonight so I guess I'll see you later." Bakugo said walking out and closing the door to the in room. The female dragons were intrigued with you being a human as most of them has never even seen your kind. The female dragons put you in a spring and washed you. They played with your hands and and said things like " she has no claws" they felt your arm and were surprised that you didn't have any scales. After your bath the female dragons put you in a beautiful dress. It was a stunning gold and black color. They sat you down in a chair and styled your hair in a way you've never seen putting a silver hair clip that was shaped like a dragons claw in your hair. Lastly they styled your face, chest, and shoulders with different tattoos with this type of paint. "This will symbolize your peace as a dragon". One female said to you. "What do you mean?" You asked her. She turned around revealing a large tattoo on her back. Then all the other females showed you they're tattoos on different parts of they're bodies. "Once you have become one with the kingdom you automatically become a warrior , and throughout your years of living your tattoos tell your stories." A female dragon told you. Although your tattoos were fake at that moment you wanted a real one like the other dragons had. You remembered that Bakugo has one on his shoulder and wondered what it meant.The female dragons handed you some flowers you had never seen before. They weren't colorful or bloomed. The female dragons told you to hold onto them. You asked them what kind of flower it they were. They told you they were called the forever flowers. They didn't tell you anything else about them and the female dragons walked you down a dark hallway with a door. You heard noises coming from the other side and were a bit nervous. The female dragons whispered good luck to you as they opened the door and you saw what was on the other side.

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