Part ten- I'm sorry y/n...

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You wake up in he middle of the night alone in Bakugo's room. His door was wide open and you seen dragon guards running down the hallways and yelling. You sat up quickly and wondering what was going on. You just sat in his bed clenching your necklace tightly, trying to listen to the dragons yelling. You hear a noise coming from the window of Bakugo's room. You slowly walk over to it and draw back the curtains. You didn't see anything at first because it was so dark outside but then it popped up out of nowhere. You saw an ugly witch staring at you cackling wildly. You scream and fall backwards backing away from the window. The witch started to break the glass and shattered the window with some sort of spell. She tried to grab you but before she could Bakugo scooped you up and roared powerfully at the witch making her retreat. Bakugo didn't waste any time he pulled you to your feet and grabbed your hand tightly, running down the hallway. You still had on your pajamas and was bare footed running full speed with Bakugo and some guards to what you saw was a weapon vault. Bakugo let go of your hand and put some armor on you. "You ok whelp?" He asked putting on your chest piece. "What's going on Bakugo?" You asked. Those damn sorcerers are attacking the kingdom." "My king give the order." A dragon guard said." " yeah yeah attack!" He roared loudly. All of the dragon guards and female dragons rushed to battle. "You stay here." Bakugo said about to help the other dragons. "What no I'm going too." You yelled. "No your not if you get hurt I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Bakugo yelled grabbing your shoulders. " I'm going with you Bakugo" you said. " I'm sorry y/n" Bakugo said turning around. A dragon guard grabbed you and ran away from Bakugo. " no damn it Katsuki!" You yelled holding your hand out to him. The dragon guard turned into a full fledged dragon and flew over the palace. "My apologies miss." The dragon guard said. "Put me down damn it where are you taking me?" You screamed. "The dragon king had given me orders to take you someplace safe he truly cares about your safety." He replied. You held on tight to the dragon guards back and looked down at all the sorcerers fighting the dragons. The dragon guard flew over the palace until he was struck down by a warlock and a powerful spell. The dragon guard was knocked unconscious and was falling to the ground. You screamed and closed your eyes tightly. You felt your blood run cold and your stomach drop as you were falling. The warlock grabbed your arm and ran his finger up your throat and grabbed your chin. " your a pretty one aren't you it'll be my pleasure to make you be my bride." He said. You made a discussed face and punched him in his throat as hard as you could with your free hand. The warlock let go of your arm and grabbed his throat. You fell all the way down to the palace roof and you slid down the sides of it making your way to the ground, you grabbed one of the roofs tiles and held on for dear life. Your arm just couldn't hold on any longer and you let go. You were falling off the side of the palace when someone grabbed your waist and held you. You looked to see who had you but they were flying so fast you could barely see. They slowed down and flew to the sky where all the other dragons were about to fight. All the dragons were in a line feet away from all of the sorcerers about to head on fight. You looked to see who had caught you and you seen a dragon guard that looked familiar to you. Then you remembered that he was the dragon guard who was talking with Bakugo that one day by the gate. "Sorry I'm holding you like this beautiful but we gotta find Baku bro before we fight these guys head on. He flew through the crowd of dragons to find Bakugo. "Hey Baku bro I found this one almost plummeting to her death." He said giving you to him. "Ugh thanks kiri ,damn it scale I didn't want you involved in this but it's too late for that now." He said giving you a shield and sword. "Do you remember what I thought you whelp about fighting?" He asked. You shake your head yes. "Well good cause if your gonna fight your going to have to know how to defend yourself, here get on my back." Bakugo says turning himself into a dragon. You hovered in the sky with the dragons ,you looked in front of you and saw what you guessed was the sorcerers leader turn himself into a powerful bing of destruction with magic. He let out a scream of chaos, all the dragons roared loudly matching the repulsive scream and charging into battle. You pulled out your sword and managed to knock down some sorcerers. A witch knocked you off of Bakugo's back and thankfully you landed ok. The witch had other witches circle you and you prepared yourself to fight. Bakugo began to fight the sorcerers leader as you took down some witches. You tried to watch him fight. Bakugo was struggling to keep up with the power sorcerers' movements and as the sorcerer summoned a powerful lightning strike to hit Bakugo with a witch came up behind you and tried to poison you with a potion bomb she set off but Mitsuki got in front of you and she flew you to safety. As Mitsuki was talking you somewhere safe you looked at Bakugo fighting the sorcerer. Bakugo swiped his claw at the sorcerer but the sorcerer just stepped back and summoned another lightning strike that hit Bakugo. Then the sorcerer used telekinesis to bring rocks to cover Bakugo completely with so he would stay down. You screamed Bakugo's name and Mitsuki let out a bloodcurdling roar and flew you down to save him. Mitsuki used her strength to move the boulders off of him and when you got to him you had seen that he passed out and was bleeding everywhere. He had also turned back into his human form due to him being to beaten down. You pulled Bakugo on Mitsuki's back and you pulled out your sword. Mitsuki flew you straight into the powerful sorcerer and you tried to strike him with your sword. The sorcerer casted a forcefield around himself and it smashed your sword to pieces. He then tried to hit you shattering your shield and sending you flying off of Mitsuki and letting go of Bakugo. You hit the ground hard and felt blood running down your face. You looked up at the sorcerer in the sky hovering above you. He had Bakugo by his neck and began to choke him mercilessly. "Haha you the big dragon king thought you could defeat my intelligence what a laughing matter, say now that you disgusting dragons are all here why don't I count to ten and you all watch your king die, who wants to see some magic!?"  He screamed. TEN, he began the countdown. You seen all the other dragons trying to help Bakugo but failing as the other sorcerers would not let them get to him. You think quickly of what you should do as you were just a weak human you couldn't fight him. So you thought of your last resort to save Bakugo ,NINE. You ran faster than you ever had in your life back inside the palace to the throne room playing a flashback in your head of Mitsuki's words. "That potion you gave me yesterday we somewhat analyzed it we don't quite know what it's capable of but we assume it's for battle strength." "EIGHT". You found the potion in a glass case in the throne room. You slammed your body up against it breaking the glass. "SEVEN" you drank the purple liquid quickly having another flashback of Mitsuki's words. "The sorcerers are a group of wizards and witches that cast powerful spells and potions on their victims most of the Victims live but at the cost of looking, sounding or acting completely different from before. "SIX" . You could feel your body changing, your insides feeling like their on fire. "FIVE" you go to the palaces rooftop and run to the ledge of the rooftop. "FOUR". You jump off. "THREE" "TWO" "ON-" . You turn into a beautiful purple flamed dragon with glowing eyes, Your wings your wings flap hard. You let out a loud blood piercing roar, making the sorcerer drop Bakugo and fight with you. Your purple flame coming down like snow. You fight him with everything you've got roaring letting your purple flame escape through your sharp teeth and out through your mouth. The sorcerer turns himself into an animal your size and you fight clawing and ripping away at each other's flesh. You were hit by one of his lightning strikes and just as you were about to get hit by another one, dragon king Bakugo used his fire to shield you and you both took him down whipping your powerful tail,you and bakugo finishing him off by combining your purple fire with his red fire making a hurricane of burning flames trapping the evil sorcerer inside. All the other sorcerers stopped fighting the dragons and flew away becoming afraid of their new enemies the combination of you and bakugo! Rain started pouring down on the kingdom putting out the blazing fire. The battle had been won all the dragons bellowed a deep roar letting their Fire escape. Bakugo turned back into a human and so did you, you were both wounded badly but still standing. Bakugo took you up to the top of the palace where all the dragons looked up at you in administration. Bakugo looked down at all the other dragons. Then Bakugo looked at you smirking holding out his bloody hand, you grabbed it with yours. He raised the both of your hands high above your head and intertwining it to the sky. Bakugo smiled letting the rain trickle down his face as he yelled out still holding up your hands "The dragons remain victorious and undefeated!!!" The dragons chanted and cheered until the sun began to arise over the horizon. Bakugo smiled confidently and pulled you into a kiss still having your hands raised high.

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