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"Marcel, Edward" Harry screams as he has a bloody Louis laying in his arms. He can hear his brothers rushing towards him as he falls to the floor, cradling the boys head in his lap.

Blood covering his hands and jeans, the blood of the boy who he may be falling for, his student, the boy he promised himself he would always protect. "Holy shit" he hears Edward gasp out before he's kneeling down next to them.

"Marcel call an ambulance" He yells as he pushes the boys bloody hair out of his eyes. "Oh fucking hell Louis" he mutters under his breath while running his finger over the boys cheek. Vaguely registering Marcel on the phone to for an ambulance.

"Does he have a pulse" Marcel asks and Harry nods "but it's weak" he tells Marcel after checking for it. "Yeah he does but it's weak"

They can hear the sirens in the distance and soon enough the ambulance pulls up outside their house. Paramedics running up their driveway. "Name and age"

"Louis Tomlinson, 18 years old" Edward replies as he gets up and makes room for them. "Do we know what's happened"

"No he had knocked on the door and passed out when I had opened it" Harry explains while they carefully move Louis onto a stretcher. "Okay and what's your relationship to the patient"

"He's our student" Marcel says and the paramedics give each other a look before nodding and lifting him up. "You can meet us at the hospital if you want"

The boys nod and watch as an unconscious Louis is placed into the back of an ambulance. "Come on" Marcel pushes past them both with his car keys in hand. The other two following quickly and jumping into the car. "Fucking hell" Harry mutters and rests his head against the back of the headrest, looking down at his clothes that are covered in Louis blood.

Marcel drives like a madman which isn't like him and they quickly arrive at the hospital. They rush in. "Louis Tomlinson" Edward says "he's currently in surgery. You'll have to wait"

They sigh and go sit down on some of the waiting room seats. "If asked we don't know how Louis found or house must of just been a coincidence alright" Edward explains to his brothers and they both nod.

"Where's my baby, where's my Louis" a women with brown hair comes rushing down the stairs in doctors scrubs. "Nurse Tomlinson it's okay he's in surgery now"

"Why what happened what happened to my little boy" she's wide eyed and has a panicked expression written  across her face. "We don't know but it was these men who found him" Edward stands and makes his way over.

"Mrs Tomlinson" Edward stands next to her and she nods her head. "I'm Edward Styles, I'm a teacher at your sons school. We aren't sure what happened but he showed up outside our house and passed out before we could ask him. We're so sorry we couldn't do more"

Jay places a gentle hand on Edwards arm. "Thank you for saving my baby" she gives him a weak smile and he nods his head before ruffing a finger over her knuckles.

"Mrs Tomlinson" a nurse calls and Jay turns and walks over to the blonde haired man. Edward notices as the police officers enter through the hospital doors. Turning he heads back over to his brothers, "remember we don't know how he found our house" Edward gives them both a pointed look and they both nod. Understanding what Edward is getting at.

He watches as the officers go over to Louis mum and then soon enough they're looking over at the triplets. Marcel gives them a weary smile and one of them just nods showing he acknowledged the brothers.

"Is your son awake Mrs Tomlinson" one of the officers asks Jay. "He's just in surgery at the moment" Nurse Thompson says. "when should he be done" "we don't know he has some internal bleeding near his lungs and a fractured rib that almost punctured the heart so we don't know when he'll wake"

"Do we know what happened" Officer Edwards asks, she's a blonde haired woman with these gorgeous blue eyes. "no but his injuries do correspond with a beating of some sort. It looks like it's from multiple people due to the bruises on his sides being to completely different shoe shapes but we won't know until he wakes" Thompson explains to the officer while Jay isn't near him.

"Nurse Thompson" a surgeon calls him and he excuses himself before walking away. "Does your son know those men" Officer Edwards questions and points towards the triplets. "yeah they work at his school, they were the ones who phoned the ambulance" Jay explains and they just nod.

"Jay you can see him but he isn't awake yet" she nods and follows the nurse down the corridor.

Edwards watches as they walk away and the officers turn towards them. He notices as Marcel starts to become restless and his knee begins to bounce. Leaning over the older triplet places his ring filled hand on his brothers knee. "we're okay" he whispers to try and soothe his brother. "he's okay"

Ayyy another update. Sorry this has taken so long, I've been working and at school so I've been stressed recently. Today's been an awful day so I decided a bit of writing may help and it did, thankfully. I won't keep you waiting to long for the next update.

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