Blooming Roses (Hanahaki Panprice)

816 15 55

A/N This takes place after SBO

This will also contain Stickvin too

Is fluffy angst the right word for this? Idk

Get comfy cause this is a long chapter


When Rupert's love becomes a threat to him, he needs to learn how to fall out of love before it kills him
Easier said than done

Rupert's POV

It's been a month since the arrest of the Toppat Clan and things have gone alright since then. Henry officially joined the government after he helped with the arrest of the clan and now helps out with Charles on most missions (he's even learning how to control a helicopter in case Charles ever was inactive during a mission.) One of the best things that happened after the arrest for me is finding someone I've known for years after they mysteriously disappeared, Dave. Ever since the Tunisian Diamond was stolen, Dave was reported as missing and after a year of being gone, we found him locked up in the Toppat's brig, almost unharmed. He recovered quickly though and now helps around at the Government base.

Currently, Charles, Henry, Victoria, the Bukowski twins and I were on a mission. There have been a few escapists in the Toppat clan so it was our job to hunt them down, luckily they were only low ranking members though so not too big of a mission.

     "You guys ready? We're approaching the area where they were last sighted right now" Charles talked through our earpiece while Henry was focusing on driving the helicopter
     "All set" I smirk, cocking my gun in case they were expecting us, a small pain in my chest but I pushed it aside.

As we landed, the group split in two, myself with the Bukowski twins and Charles, Henry and Victoria in the other group. We landed a fair way away from our destination to avoid being spotted so we made our way across to the area. The destination was just a small warehouse in the middle of a forest but large enough to hold something that could be a threat.

I spotted Charles give a hand signal from the other side of the warehouse to approach so with a swift nod to the twins, we loaded our guns and slowly made our way through the trees.

The pain in my chest returned more painful this time. I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore it but it was too much. Calvin and Konrad looked concerned at me
     "You alright Rupert?" Calvin asked
     "I'm fine. Just sore, let's keep going" I reassure, trying to hide the pain in my voice from the burning feeling in my chest
     "If you insist, you might have to get it checked out when we return th-" Konrad was cut off by excessive coughing coming from me
     "I'll call the other group over, we really need to head back," Calvin told his brother, concerned
     "I'm telling you, I'm f-" I was cut off again from coughing, but this time, I felt a liquid come out of my mouth onto my hands
     "What the... Blood?!" Calvin yelled
     "You don't have any more say in this Rupert, we're taking you back to base right now" Konrad ordered, I tried to protest but another coughing spree interrupted.

     "This is Konrad, head back to the helicopter " Konrad spoke into his earpiece
     "For the last time, I'm fine" I managed to stand up and give a small smile to hide the pain but a disbelieving glare from the Bukowski twins told me they didn't believe me
     "Alright, everyone, fall back" Charles was heard from the other side of the earpiece
     "What's wrong anyway?" Victoria asked
     "Rupert's coughing blood" Calvin spoke, giving me a sympathetic look to my disliking, I hated it when people felt sympathetic for me
     "Wha- how?" Charles asked in shock
     "We're unsure how but all we know is that we need to get to base as fast as we can, the mission needs to be called off until we get back" Konrad explained
     "Alright, we're on our way, need us to come to pick you up?" Charles asked
     "As much as I want to say yes, Rupert would be too stubborn to let us do that so we'll head over ourselves, plus the helicopter will be either seen or heard which will alert the Toppat's of our presence" Calvin stated, looking at me as I tried to hide at how much pain I was in.

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