The Demotion (Time Master AU)

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A/N this was originally going to be a book but I decided against it

I felt like crying while writing this chapter, hope you guys enjoy it

There are mentions of Ruave (and Copperright?)

Also, this is connected to another AU that will be a book and hopefully be published soon
(it will be called "Tales of Burt and Sven" or "TOSB")


3rd POV

A man in a top hat tucked in his adopted son before kneeling next to the bed, the kid's wide eyes met the adult's watery ones
"Papa, is everything alright?" the child asked, concerned
"Yeah, everything's fine Henry" he reassured, wiping his eyes before putting on a fake smile. "It's just about the heist today, turns out not everyone found it as enjoyable as I did, it wasn't my fault everybody didn't stick to my plan" he mumbled angrily to himself at the end before taking a quick breather, "Sorry" he mumbled to the kid.

"Hey, kiddo, I got something for you" he pulled out a silver chain around his neck with a silver and blue pocket watch hanging at the end
"Your watch? But that's your most prized possession besides the ruby" Henry sounded confused as the adult grabbed his hand, opened it, put the watch in his palm, and closed his hand again
"And I want you to have it. If anything ever happens to me, promise me you will look after this" he looked the kid in the eyes once more
"I promise, Papa" the kid firmly nodded, pulling his full hand to his chest.

The adult ruffled Henry's hair before hugging him close
"Remember, memories last forever, just know that as long as you remember me, I'll always be with you" he sniffed slightly before pulling away from the hug. "Good night Henry" he farewelled, exiting the door
"Night Papa!" Henry waved with his free hand before going under the sheets, the watch still in his hand.

As the adult left the room, he picked up his phone, dialling a number
"Hey, Randy, sorry that I'm calling you at this ridiculous hour, but I feel like once Henry finds out I'm gone, he's going to leave to find me. We're currently in the same desert as our desert base but in the far south so if you can find him, please look after him, he's only 7, he's too young to deal with this" he spoke, voice strained
"Finds out you're gone? What's going on? Don't tell me it's what I think it is" the familiar voice worriedly spoke
"Just promise me" he snapped a bit more harsh than he wanted
"I promise, but please just tell me what's going on" Randy insisted
"I'm sorry" he whispered, ignoring the question, hanging up.

He took a couple of breaths, calming down, before walking towards the gathering of Toppat's that were called by one of the lower but respected members.

As he entered the room, he didn't notice the same kid he tucked in following him through the vents.

"Look who finally showed up, Terrence Suave" was the first voice he heard once he entered, the voice was the opposite of friendly
"Hello, Copperbottom" Terrence spat with venom.

(Welp, time for the monologue)

Reginald stood up on a chair (RIP height) before turning to the crowd of people
"Toppats, tonight I called this meeting to ask you, do we really want this reckless excuse of a leader ruling over us? Telling us how to do everything? Leading us to more unnecessary injuries or deaths?" a chorus of no's followed. "I say we throw him overboard!" he stepped down from the chair as people gathered around Terrence, every face having a look of anger and disgust.

As he was cornered to the plank on the airship, he knew this was the end
"Any last words, Suave?" Reginald asked, holding a gun at Terrence's head from a metre away
"I- wait, Henry?" he asked, surprised, looking to the back of the crowd to see the kid staring wide-eyed at him, pocket watch around his neck but still holding it in one of his hands
"'et 'he kid out of 'ere" the red-headed Toppat ordered from his place next to Reginald, a Toppat wearing orange headphones under his hat picked up the kid and carried him off, ignoring all the protests and thrashing about Henry returned.

"So you want to kill me in front of the whole clan but not in front of my son? I guess family means nothing to you" Terrence smugly shrugged
"He knows more about family than you ever will" a blond-headed Toppat defended
"Oh Svensson, so naive" the leader chuckled darkly, clearly to the dislike of Reginald and the red-headed Toppat
"Shut your mouth, Suave, you are now hereby dethroned from your position as leader of the Toppat Clan" Reginald snapped.

Terrence looked towards the doorway that Henry left through before he sighed in defeat, pulled off his hat and held it at his chest
"Try seeing things from a different perspective next time Copperbottom" Terrence smirked, a loud bang following. The Toppat Leader dropped his hat onto the plank as he fell backward, plummeting to the ground with a bullet hole in his chest.

Reginald picked up the hat on the ground, putting the top hat on top of his current one with a look of determination on his face as the clan chanted his name, acknowledging their new leader.

Meanwhile, Henry --who was locked in his room-- was trying to open the bolted vents. He was scared. Scared for the fate of the man who raised him, scared of the fate for him and the gunshot that he just heard didn't help.

Henry finally managed to open the vents up, slipping into the hole of comfort. Due to being small for his age, nobody could follow him through the vents, making the perfect hidey-hole to escape to. As he crawled through the vents, he spotted the vault. Knowing where he was now, he turned a corner, exiting to find the security room. He looked around, making sure the coast was clear, before jumping into the escape pod and making his getaway.

When it roughly landed, he quickly got out and ran off, trying to get as much distance between him and the airship as possible. As he ran, he spotted two darker shapes on the sandy floor so he approached them, only to see a guy in a pink outfit with pink sunglasses and the all too familiar shape of Henry's adopted dad
"Papa?" he mumbled, tears forming in his eyes as he ran to the body that laid on the floor, ignoring the other person who was there, "Papa!" he yelled, full-on sobbing as he hugged him
"It will be alright Henry" the person behind them reassured
"Dad?" Henry questioned, recognising the person as Terrence's husband, Randy
"It sure is little guy" he smiled, ruffling the kid's hair before embracing him, letting him cry into his shoulder.

After letting Henry settle down slightly, Randy picked him up
"How about we head home?" he asked
"I-I'd like that" Henry sniffed, holding his watch in one hand and wiping his eyes with the other as he looked at his Papa for one last time as they walked away from the scene.

A/N if I didn't make it clear in this, Henry is the adopted son of Terrence and Randy in this au, but only lived with Terrence in the clan while Randy was presumed dead to everyone but Terrence

1241 words

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