mini scene thing (not actual one-shot)

276 13 3

A/N I had this idea in my head so here

If you want to use this idea at all, go ahead, idm, but if you're going to copy this word for word please add some credit at least

also, sorry for not publishing any proper one-shots for ages, I'm working on stuff I promise but motivation is rare atm

we're basically torturing Henry with timelines so I think that's a warning itself

"Wow, today was epic" Charles commented as he, Henry and Ellie all walked down the street.

"Agreed, those guys didn't know what hit them" Ellie smirked, hitting an open palm with her fist as she remembered the events of that day.

Henry just nodded in agreement with a smile.

After chatting for a few minutes, they eventually got to a house.

'Well, this is my stop, see ya tomorrow guys' Henry signed his farewell as he went up the stairway of his apartment.

"See ya Hen!" Charles and Ellie called after him.

As Henry entered his apartment, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face as he appreciated his friends

Henry soon went to the kitchen to heat up some leftovers for dinner. 

As the microwave did its thing, Henry looked at the photo of himself, Ellie and Charles together, a selfie they took a few months back. But something was off.

Henry went over and picked up the frame, gasping at what it was now.

The photo seemed drawn on, but it wasn't like the stupid drawings that most people would do. No, it was much worse. The drawings had a halo over Charles' head, a toppat over Ellie's and Henry's arm and torso was grey.

Henry put the picture back down, the front now on the bench to hide it out of view

'It's fine, everything's fine, those timelines were years ago, you don't have to worry anymore' Henry tried to reassure himself mentally.

The microwave went off shortly after that so Henry went to grab his food and placed the plate on the bench.

So that's it then? You're just going to leave me here to go down with the ship?

Henry's head snapped around, trying to find the source of the voice to no avail. 'Please not again' he begged mentally

I helped you escape and you just left me...

Henry held his ears to block out the voices. "Please stop" he mumbled under his breath.

Don't worry about me, I'll find another way!

Henry clenched his ears tighter, tears now threatening his eyes. "No..." he quietly sobbed, now on his knees.

Looks like we'll be sharing this last ride together!

Is this really what we want out of a leader?

Henry you there? Man, that roughed me up, we got 'em though.

The voices started overlapping each other now, growing louder.

Was it... worth it?

Jump, or I'll make you jump!

Pretty good plan, you could say it was the greatest-

"STOP IT!" Henry yelled, curling up into a ball on the floor as he let the tears fall free. "Please... just stop" he broke off into sobs.

A/N And yeah, that's the scene thing I had on my mind today, thx for reading

530 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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