I'm always there (Curtisson comfort?/fluff)

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Request from 

Mental breakdown (I know you said panic attack but I felt like that suited this more)

3rd POV

Sven sighed, the massive piles of untouched paperwork were stacked taller than him. He hadn't slept in days, working endlessly to finish all this paperwork. With Reginald and his right-hand man gone, the previous third in command had no help.

A knock at his door echoed through the lamplight room
     "Come in" he called out, a yawn escaped his mouth a moment later. The door opened to reveal Carol, a close friend and elite Toppat member
     "Sorry to interrupt you, but the chef wanted me to give you these to confirm the food for next month" she state as she put a file on Sven's desk
     "It's fine, I'll get to it as soon as I can" he waved her off before she could once again ask to help, but once the door closed, he couldn't help but groan. 

He really wanted her help, or anyone help really, but with the reputation that both the previous chief and right-hand man had, Sven didn't want to seem like the cowardly young member he actually was.

He pushed the current paper away from him, grabbed the files and flipped through the pages. Food was on the top of the priority list and with so many members, there was a lot of dietary restrictions and allergies they needed to cover. After checking everything was ok, he signed the paper and then placed it into the small pile of complete paperwork. 

He glanced at the hidden photo of Burt and himself on his desk and gave a sad smile. They were dating but with the new responsibilities of being the chief, Sven rarely got to see him anymore. He had always said Sven was stubborn. He picked up the photo and gave it a small kiss before placing it back in its place. 

Suddenly, another knock was at the door
     "Come in" Sven repeated
     "Sorry sir, but I was wondering if the paperwork for the authorisation for that on-earth base was ready?" Mr Macbeth asked once he entered the room 
     "I'll get to it when I get to it!" Sven accidentally snapped, he covered his mouth once he realised his mistake. "Sorry" he murmured as he tried to shrink in his seat, just wanting to disappear
     "It's alright, I have to deal with morons so I've got the patience for our leader" Macbeth joked

     "I-it's just that I don't want to let the clan down and prove I'm just as good as the previous chief, but i-it's too much to handle" Sven started to sob as he ranted out the thought that's been on his mind. "I-I'm worried t-that if I-I fail t-then the c-clan will be d-doomed" he continued to say through sobs. "I-I've a-always b-been t-thinking t-that I'll l-lead the c-clan to t-their a-arrest o-or e-even d-death" his voice became strained as he tried to hold in the tears that streamed down his face
     "Shh, it's alright" Macbeth tried to reassure Sven but had no idea how to help someone in this situation. "Want me to grab Burt?" Macbeth suggested, Sven just nodded in response, his comrade then left the room.

Sven grabbed the shark plushie in the corner of his office, he gave it a tight squeeze as he tried to stop himself from crying, his throat already felt raw. He rocked himself back and forth as he waited for Burt, not being able to bring himself to continue his work while he felt this way. He hated the fact that he broke, the fact that he let an elite member see him in this state, but he was also grateful for the fact that they were so willing to try to help him.

A minute later, Burt ran through the open door, instantly gave Sven a huge hug from behind
     "Are you all right?" he asked 
     "Now that you're here" Sven smiled, reddened slightly as Burt planted a kiss on his forehead
     "No you're not, I wouldn't be called in here after you've been locked away for days just for you to be instantly alright, please tell me what's wrong" Burt pleaded, his usual monotone voice sounded worried
     "Take a look around, what do you think" Sven sighed, gesturing to the multiple piles of paperwork on his desk.

Burt thought for a moment, then picked Sven up bridal style
     "W-What are you doing Burt? Put me down" Sven yelped
     "Doing what I should have done days ago" Burt replied, his voice once again monotone but accompanied with a smirk.

Burt carried Sven all the way to their room, put him on the bed and tucked him in
     "I've got no say in this, do I?" Sven rhetorically asked as Burt passed him his shark
     "No, no you don't" Burt stated
     "What about the paperwork?" Sven questioned
     "Leave that to me. You. Need. Sleep" Burt glared.

Burt went to leave the room once Sven was comfy
     "Love you" Sven called out
     "Love you too" Burt gave one of his rare smiles as he closed the door.

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